Cash for clunkers and the first-time home buyers' tax credit merely moved purchases forward by a few months.
Even before the policy changes announced Wednesday, few people other than first-time home buyers were buying real estate.
Nonprofits are receiving a flood of so-called in-kind contributions, including volunteers to counsel first-time home buyers.
He pointed to surveys by the China Index Research Institute, which show that three-quarters of first-time home buyers are below the age of 35.
Especially for first-time home buyers, young white-collar population, the unit price for three rooms, fully meet needs, and make home ownership in one step.
Low prices and mortgage rates, along with the tax credit for first-time home buyers, have spurred a home-buying bonanza, at least in the low end of the market.
Most first-time home buyers find themselves in a similar situation: they focus so much on the sticker price that they fail to account for the other costs that come with owning a home.
In addition to requiring larger down payments for second and third homes, Banks charge interest rates that are up to 3 percentage points higher for these homes than for first-time home buyers.
And the Finance Ministry reduced the stamp tax on real estate purchases, effective Nov. 1, but only for first-time home buyers acquiring an apartment of less than 90 square meters, or 970 square feet.
Home resales jumped by 9.4% in September from August, the biggest rise in 26 years, as first - time buyers rushed to take advantage of a tax credit that is about to expire.
Home resales ticked up as buyers scrambled to complete their purchases before a tax credit for first-time owners expires.
Home resales ticked up as buyers scrambled to complete their purchases before a tax credit for first-time owners expires.