The paragraph function provides the first and last sentences of the output.
The ABC documentary doesn't indicate who fired the first and last sets of shots.
The grid will fill with first and last names queried from the Derby sample database.
Open the book so that the first and last pages and the core of the spine are facing up.
He added that creating American jobs is the first and last thing he thinks about each day.
When Lou (lou), Jane's manager, logs in, only the first and last operations are successful.
If it does, the first and last line, and the number of lines can be stored for the subprogram.
Sadly, some managers feel that being the first and last person to speak is a sign of strength.
She wrote that she was dying of a fever, and asked him to visit her for the first and last time.
Consequently, two of the patrons on a sold out show must share the same first and last initials.
You can also add attributes to an XML tag. For example, this tag contains first and last attributes.
Each row contains a user ID, an email address, first and last name, phone number, and mailing address.
In a packed Carnegie Hall performance, there will be two people who have the same first and last initials.
Read the first and last few pages of each chapter thoroughly, because they often summarize the information.
Q: How can I prevent World of Warcraft add-ons from accessing Real ID first and last names without my knowledge?
They have difficulty comprehending relationships such as more and less, first and last, and small, medium, and large.
They found out their first and last names were inverted or misspelled--leaving many of them unable to cast their ballots.
If you're concentrating on JSF component development, you'll probably focus on the first and last phases of the lifecycle.
I used to be the student who would read the first and last chapter of a book, along with the summary, and write a book report.
Users expect to see names (first and last name), dates (year, month and day) and time (hour and minute) written on a single line.
If you have a complex name (more than just first and last), see these examples for more information on how to structure your name.
This code tells ActiveScaffold to limit searching on this scaffold to the user's first and last name and disables full text search.
这段代码告诉ActiveScaffold要限制对这个scaffold 的搜索 —— 只允许使用用户的姓和名进行搜索,禁用全文搜索。
The Voice Server SDK processes the result set from the query, and tells the user the first and last name of the employees selected.
For example, the regular expression a will match the string abcdcba twice (the first and last a) and so will the regular expression b.
例如,正则表达式a匹配字符串abcdcba两次,正则表达式b 也是一样。
Each initial can take be one of the 26 English letters, meaning there are 26 x 26 = 676 possible values for the first and last initials.
The first and last criteria in the above list will be of greater concern to the architect; project managers will focus mainly on the first two.
The first and last points seem to be lost on some project managers: the way that you deploy code can and does change the way that you develop it.
Hint: Choose a display name that contains your first and last name, such as james_coughlin, so you are easy to find and recognize in the community.
(提示:选择一个包含您的名和姓的昵称,例如 james_coughlin,这样别人就可以轻松地在社区中查找和识别您)。
Hint: Choose a display name that contains your first and last name, such as james_coughlin, so you are easy to find and recognize in the community.
(提示:选择一个包含您的名和姓的昵称,例如 james_coughlin,这样别人就可以轻松地在社区中查找和识别您)。