Old Volantis, first daughter of Valyria, the dwarf mused.
The first daughter responds to charges of hoarding taxpayer nickels.
The former first daughter delivered at Lenox Hill Hospital on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
MOHOPADA, India - the arrival of Anu and Sanjay's first daughter brought happiness to the family.
印度马和帕达村- - -阿奴和桑杰第一个女儿的降生给这个家庭带来了欢乐。
The remaining funds were reportedly funneled into a large piggy bank the first daughter kept secret.
Seemingly the minute after I delivered my first daughter GAP and Old Navy announced new maternity lines.
Who was the interpreter when US first Daughter Ivanka Trump visited the Chinese Embassy for the first time?
Sanjay said that when his first daughter got married, he did not have to pay a dowry because she is well-educated.
The former first daughter and her fiance became friends as teenagers in Washington and both attended Stanford University.
Later, when their first daughter was born, they sold this business: with their growing family, night work was no longer possible.
Then, when my first daughter was born and I had started writing about food and doing some serious eating and drinking, I hit 190.
While Andrea was facing the intense pain of laboring with their first daughter, her partner made the crucial mistake of complaining that his back hurt.
The birth of Victoria and David Beckham's first daughter was always going to be a big deal, but no one ever thought it would have an impact on the literary world.
Before 400 guests - but not before a media deluge - former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton and longtime beau Marc Mezvinsky tied the knot July 31 in Rhinebeck, n.y!
She recovered but suffered severe postpartum depression after her first daughter was born a few years later. That daughter was diagnosed with depression at age 7, Ms.
She went back to work after the birth of her first daughter, Josephine (there was no maternity leave), but when her second, Susanna, arrived, she began working at home as a reader.
生下了第一个女儿约瑟芬后,她就继续工作(没有任何产假)。 生第二个女儿苏珊娜时,她就在家照顾孩子而且成了个读者。
While there's no word yet on plans for his estate, Jobs leaves behind three children from his marriage to Laurene Jobs (Reed, Erin, and Eve), as well as his first daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs.
I came to this mysterious world on a hot day 28 years ago, I first cry perhaps startled and delighted many who had been expecting I arrival, wishing the first daughter of the family in their family.
At first Robert wouldn't let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave in as she was so confident about her skills.
At first Robert wouldn't let his daughter go diving, but eventually he gave in as she was so confidence about her skills.
Lauren Haggis, the second daughter from his first marriage, said that he never connected with his children.
As current law stands, if William and Kate's first child is a daughter but their second is a son, the boy would inherit the throne.
I also know she had a child by her first husband - a daughter - and that she'd been forced to abandon that child as a condition of divorce.
Still, in many rural areas, including Anxi County, a resident whose first child is a daughter is allowed to have a second.
The great loves of my life are my husband of 45 years, my daughter, and my first husband.
The great loves of my life are my husband of 45 years, my daughter, and my first husband.