Well, we've planted our magic snowballs on the day of the first frost, kids.
Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring.
First frost comes in the night, a clear, scant-started night when the moon is near its fullness.
We ought to be like them, not like the little grass that falls withered at the first frost!
The growing season is defined as the period between the last frost in spring and first frost in the fall.
Bulbs do well in climates with a cold season. They are placed in the ground about the time of the first frost.
"Well, we've planted our magic snowballs on the day of the first frost, kids. It's up to the magic snowbank now," he'd say.
In some areas, a positive correlation existed between first frost with air temperature, and had no obvious responses to precipitation.
The comprehensive response of first frost and latest frost to climate change showed that the extened variation trends have obvious regional differences.
Three of our favorite family fall traditions are to rake leaves in the garden, go apple picking, and plant tulip and daffodil bulbs before the first frost.
He would shuffle in, his soft, shiny leather shoes dancing across Momma's sunflower-yellow-tiled kitchen floor. All six of us kids knew why he was there. First frost meant magic snowball time.
Every fall, when the frost first played freeze tag with the grass, Papa would come to our house.
When she was seen for the first time in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Frost transformed from a regular-looking human into one whose exterior is encrusted with a multitude of diamonds.
When the danger of frost is past, which is about the first of April in this part of the country, I buy eight tomato plants from a nursery.
It is now the first spring breezes.To Nature's waking realm bring everything that pleases, and to the silent North the banished Frost takes wing.
It is now the first spring breezes. To Nature's waking realm bring everything that pleases, and to the silent North the banished Frost takes wing. "our."
The first Eiswein harvests took place in Franconia in 1794 when peasants tried to produce wine from partially frozen grapes that resulted from an unexpected frost.
I even pruned it at the wrong time and some of the canes got frost burned, but it came back lush and full in the spring, giving me my first bloom of the season on any of my roses.
The first spells out 30, Frost Lane, South West. The second is 5, Museum Row, West.
Most live for just a few months, and even the most pampered katydid will be silenced by the first autumn frost.
But in the lower reaches of the Yellow River region, frost first appears in late October or early November.
In 1969, he became the first African American band director for a network television series, "The David Frost Show".
Blood of the North was the first of the Death Rune talents we implemented, largely to fill a hole in the deep Frost tree.
When the first hard frost hit, a small party was sent away for an overnight excursion, and they came back with armloads of sweaters, jackets, and shoes.
第一场严霜来临时,一支小分队通宵外出,回来时抱满毛衣、夹克和鞋子,留守人员则裹着鹿皮簌簌发抖。 您是否对这篇资料想说点什么?
It is now the first spring breezes. To Nature's waking realm bring everything that pleases, and to the silent North the banished Frost takes wing.
First time test on the sea water frost heaving characteristics in sealed bushing of oil well in the sea was made in 1998. A measurement system for the various kinds of parameters is set up.
In the first years of the Qing Dynasty, the dispute of ceremony and propriety had worsen the military conflict of Sino-Russia in the Heilongjiang river valley like snow plus frost.
In the first years of the Qing Dynasty, the dispute of ceremony and propriety had worsen the military conflict of Sino-Russia in the Heilongjiang river valley like snow plus frost.