About 60 percent of people identify English as their first language, while 24 percent claim French.
The first language I spoke was Chinese and I learned English later, but I forgot all my Chinese.
Most Jews in the first century would've used Greek as their first language, not Hebrew or even Aramaic.
Sign language is the mother tongue of deaf people, and the "first language" they acquire naturally.
Speakers of English as a second language will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first language.
On the estimates of David Crystal, a British expert, some 350m people speak English as their first language.
Even if you are reading in your first language, some authors will throw big words down you may not understand.
I translate for the millions of Arabic language speakers (spoken by more than 280 million people as a first language).
I have been using (programming and animated) Flash since version 4; ActionScript was the first language I ever learned.
Just as we learn our first language, if we are immersed in an English environment, we have to practice English each day.
First, if you aren't reading in your first language, language proficiency will be your biggest obstacle to high reading rates.
Because of their own English learning when the first language accent will not easily pass the TESOL certificate examination.
More than 1 billion people speak English worldwide but only about 330m of them as a first language, and this population is not spreading.
Although philosophy no longer USES Latin as its first language, many of Cicero's philosophical terms are still in common employment today.
Scores are recorded on the Test Report Form along with details of the candidate's nationality, first language, date of birth and id number.
It is known that English is the first language in the world, if we master it, we can travel around the world without communication problem.
Overall vocabulary in the first language tends to be somewhat smaller (though overall vocabulary in both languages combined is of course greater).
Trying to be understanding of the fact that English wasn't his first language, I attempted to explain but, at 1am, didn't feel I was making much headway.
Trying to be understanding of the fact that English wasn't his first language, I attempted to explain but, at 1am, didn't feel I was making much headway.