One remarkable thing about first language acquisition is the high degree of similarity which we see in the early language of children all over the world.
The logical problem in second language acquisition originates from that in first language acquisition and causes much disputation in the field of language acquisition.
Through a comparative study of language input between first language acquisition and second language acquisition, some special features of natural language input have been discovered.
This current paper gives a critical review on theories of first language acquisition and second language learning, and gives a further introduction on the logical problems of the two.
Moreover, the author re-examines the three assumptions on which rests the monolingual approach: namely, the similarity between the first language acquisition and second language acquisition;
Interlanguage fossilization is a distinguishing feature of second language learning from first language acquisition. It is also a problem confusing most second and foreign language learners.
The article compares the first language acquisition with second language acquisition to illustrate that foreign language learning must emphasize memorisation, grammar, comparison and practice.
What role do language acquisition (first and second) and language use and processing play in Creole genesis and in language change more generally?
However, little is known about the acquisition of phonology by children learning the Shanghai dialect as their first language.
This paper first reviews the background in which the concept of overgeneralization was put forward and the interrelation between this viewpoint and second language acquisition and interlanguage.
It is generally believed that first language transfer is more likely to occur at the early stage of second language acquisition.
First language and mother tongue are overlapping concepts. It is the language identity of a nation or an individual that determines the mother tongue, but not the sequence of acquisition.
Who in their right mind would refute the importance, in second language learning, of whatever it is that a child does (" acquisition ") to be so successful in first language learning?
It is well known that a first language that has been acquired normally, be it an oral or a sign language , will greatly enhance the acquisition of a second language .
This paper first reviews the empirical studies on second language incidental vocabulary acquisition both at home and abroad, focusing on the research content and result.
The paper adopts the viewpoint that UG is accessible to second language acquisition (SLA) with the first language interference and in particular illustrates in detail parameter-resetting in SLA.
The first chapter, as the theoretical foundation of this model, describes the theory of constructivism, the theory of group dynamics and the theory of second language acquisition.
Second language acquisition(SLA) research shows that first language(L1) transfer is one of the important factors that influence SLA.
母语对第二语言的影响,一直是外语界关心的问题,但人们关注更多的是母语的负迁移, 而不是正迁移。
Second language acquisition(SLA) research shows that first language(L1) transfer is one of the important factors that influence SLA.
母语对第二语言的影响,一直是外语界关心的问题,但人们关注更多的是母语的负迁移, 而不是正迁移。