Mr Dougan says that Credit Suisse will have a “first mover advantage”.
We expect high demand for Twins based on early feedback and our first mover advantage.
Despite its first mover advantage is being broken, but "Top Ten Chinese paint" is still ranked among the dignitaries.
"We think the market size for the iPad is very large, and we want to capitalize on our first mover advantage," Cook said.
公司首席运营长官TimCook在电话会议上作分析的同时称:“iPad销售量超出了苹果公司的预期。 我们认为iPad的市场是十分巨大的,我们充分利用了我们的市场先发优势。”
With 180 English titles published a year - and some in Hindi, Marathi and Urdu too - Penguin retains first mover advantage.
The principals' first mover advantage is an important factor to achieve the efficiency optimization of the incentive contract.
The idea is working for another company -first mover advantage is underestimated, if you want to be a 'fast follower' beware of the consequences.
And specfically, local language voice search may provide an opportunity for local companies to benefit from first mover advantage in order to take on the “Big Boys” of online search.
Because clients of Banks have changed into this VIP client from former casual clients and the fund flow clearly goes up, there exists the competition of first mover advantage among the Banks.
Discovery is trying to seize a similar first-mover advantage in high-definition television.
The advantage is that early adopters can learn from the first mover (from its mistakes or success) and guarantee that their new approach moves the market on.
Microsoft was early to recognize the importance of handhelds, but whatever first-mover advantage it had is long gone.
When the company finally launched iBooks, it had to engage in arguably shady, allegedly illegal tactics to nix Amazon's first-mover advantage.
The problem, however, was that Hewlett-Packard was a follower rather than a leader in this market, going against Apple that enjoyed the first-mover advantage in this market.
Our clients want to capitalize on those opportunities, and you get first-mover advantage, and so we are developing products that help our clients respond.
Yale, in particular, has a first-mover advantage; by being an early investor in private equity it was able to get access to the best-managed funds.
today the Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World Sentosa alone nearly outgross the entire Las Vegas Strip, but outside of Macau they enjoy first-mover advantage in betting-mad Asia.
Yet in some cases, Android may end up with first-mover advantage as it shows up in devices such as netbooks or digital photo frames where Microsoft has yet to establish a beachhead.
Craig Baker of Watson Wyatt, says that, although above-market returns may not be available to all, clients who can identify them have a "first mover" advantage.
Gur says having a first-mover advantage might be critical, and perhaps WorldMate might trim six to nine months off the delivery process for its partners.
It still makes sense for marketers to try these new services out, because there is something of a first-mover advantage in digital advertising.
Uber gained first-mover advantage by introducing its business model, which relies on enlisting drivers to shuttle around passengers, complementing it with big subsidies.
This is a boon to consumers, but confers no lasting "first-mover" advantage on Groupon.
The results of the empirical research on fund market show that first-mover advantage is existent but the effect is not so prominent as preceding research concluded.
Launched 10 years ago, AWS exploited its first-mover advantage and is now the biggest cloud computing provider in the world.
As a monopoly, BJU enjoys first-mover advantage in this niche market.
The findings show that there really is a first-mover advantage in funds market-the earlier a fund is set up , the higher the average growth rate of net asset value is.
Further more, the first-mover advantage may weaken as the intension of network externality lessens.
How to exert advantages of education channel highlights the first-mover advantage of the comprehensive portal websites are problems we need to solve now.
How to exert advantages of education channel highlights the first-mover advantage of the comprehensive portal websites are problems we need to solve now.