"It's not going to be the old policy as usual, first of all because old policies didn't work," he said.
Answer: First of all because of the CD and concentration skills, the value of the maximum response, the output is still hunters will not have much change.
First of all, because food travels such long distances, we need more planes, trucks and ships to move the food.
Writer John Fitz Gerald first called New York the Big Apple, because New York is the place that many people dreamed of going to for the biggest prize of all.
Worst of all, a cheater who doesn't get caught the first time usually cheats again, not only because he/she is farther behind, but also because it seems "easier".
We are all proud of little Mary because she won the first place in the piano competition.
I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy — ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy.
That is why it is easier for engineers, because they had all this knowledge built up since first year of college.
"First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body," she says in an interview.
“First of all we need to build Europe in Ukraine, because a country can only enter the EU if it has the same blood group, otherwise it will get rejected as an alien body,” she says in an interview.
First of all, "when you're employed and the search firm calls you, you should always take that call," Libby says, if only because it can be a good networking opportunity.
I said I couldn't do that because, first of all, it wouldn't remain secret, and doing so would undermine the credibility of the Partnership for Peace.
First, WAC apps can't take advantage of a phone's hardware specifications, because they need to be written for all devices.
First of all, we didn’t fail to act because of legitimate doubts about the science.
First of all, we didn't fail to act because of legitimate doubts about the science.
First of all, the event had a different feel because it included a lot of customers a "a quarter of all papers presented were from customers."
First of all, make sure your refrigerator is running at 40 degrees or below, because most food-borne bacteria grow slowly at this temperature.
Because this apostle of all things digital is the first to admit that technology alone will not reverse the damage done.
First, it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark.
Dana is the first of the ten Perfections because generosity is a fundamental aspiration from which all spirituality flows.
First of all, Mr. Dawson laid off one of his assistants because he was a hidden spy.
Unlike the GlobalAirlinesBP module, you start out here by completing the assembly diagram first, because all of the external dependencies are already known at this time.
We all share common ancestors, because all life came from the first self-reproducing, single-celled organism that existed in the oceans of primal earth.
It is because clothing matters and first impressions matter and deep down, we all know it even though most of us wish that it did not count so much.
It is because clothing matters and first impressions matter and deep down, we all know it even though most of us wish that it did not count so much.