In 1995 Per's first officer, out on the ice one day, was killed by a polar bear.
First Officer Hank Johnston, age 36, was hired by Atlantic Southeast Airlines in June 1988.
She confirms that Weston was the first officer to respond at Lincoln's apartment on the night of Steadman's murder.
The difference between a captain and a First Officer is that the captain will have been with the company longer.
First Officer. 'Tis true, most worthy signior; The duke's in council and your noble self, I am sure, is sent for.
Both pilots retrieved their laptops and the first officer demonstrated to the captain how the new scheduling system worked.
On the morning of the accident, the captain and the first officer arrived at the Dothan Regional Airport by taxi about 06:15.
Cole was the first officer on the scene after the 5-year-old boy was reported missing earlier this month in Fort Worth, Texas.
Raynor's first officer, Matt Horner, still believes in him and in the revolution even though some of Raynor's doubts are spreading to his crew.
The plane's captain Chesley Sullenberger and first officer Jeffrey Skiles pulled off what is now regarded as the most successful ditching12 of a plane in aviation history.
The crash probe said the first officer, with only two previous flights as a 767 copilot, was too focused on the weather and failed to warn the pilot early enough to abort.
The first man who came in was a large officer she had once seen talking to her father.
These instructions should also include the correct order in which to perform tasks-for example, should they should pull the plug or call the Chief Information Officer (CIO) first?
First the officer told her husband that their daughter was traveling with friends. Then she called him from the hospital and asked him to deliver chicken soup to help the daughter's sore throat.
So I built the first version of the Web site. Alon Schwartz, now our chief technology officer, worked with me when I finished law school and the first demonstration model got a lot of people excited.
First-time entrepreneurs often think "If I approach a VC with a chief technology officer or chief prototype designer in place, then I'm more likely to get funded."
Off to Bydgoszcz. At night, tenting a blanket over his head to hide his flash light beam from the Valley Forge duty officer, Salinger (by now called Jerry) had written his first short stories.
On my first day of duty an officer told me, "You are a machinist and will be in charge of the machine shop."
ASC Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Steve Ludlam said the company had eagerly awaited its first submarine docking since the opening of ASC West in 2008. "ASC."
ASC主管兼CEOSteve Ludlam称,公司从2008年开设西asc开始,就在期盼着其第一艘潜艇下水。
First, however, he wanted more information about his enemy. He sent a young officer — Jeb Stuart — to get it.
不过,他首先要获取大量的敌方信息,他派一位年轻的指挥官——杰布·斯图尔特(Jeb Stuart)去搞情报。
In fact, gremlin is first recorded only in the 1920's, as a Royal Air Force term for a low-ranking officer or enlisted man saddled with oppressive assignments.
Stemson Stroud, the island’s conservation officer, first arrived from St Helena to work at the Apollo tracking centre in 1967.
斯蒂姆森•斯特劳德(Stemson Stroud)是岛上的自然保护官,他第一次来到该岛工作的时间是1967年。 当时他从圣海伦娜岛来到该岛的阿波罗追踪中心工作。
The prices of some computer components, such as memory and monitors, will be "less favorable" in the current quarter than in the first period, Chief Financial Officer Cathie Lesjak told analysts.
Dr Lindiwe Majele Sibanda is chief executive officer of the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (Fanrpan) and is a spokesperson for the Farming First coalition.
Rob Hedley, the senior administrative officer at Coral Harbour, where dozens of residents had joined in the search, spoke to him when he was first taken to the local health centre.
珊瑚港高级管理员赫德利(RobHedley)在男孩首先被送去当地医疗中心时跟他讲过话。 珊瑚港还有几十名居民也加入到搜救当中。
He was the group's senior legal officer, Kim Yong-chul, the first insider to make such allegations.
他是这个集团的高级法律职员,金勇哲(Kim Yong - chul),作出这种指控的第一个局内人。
He was the group's senior legal officer, Kim Yong-chul, the first insider to make such allegations.
他是这个集团的高级法律职员,金勇哲(Kim Yong - chul),作出这种指控的第一个局内人。