Sometimes a poem that seems boring on first reading becomes interesting with more reading.
The very first reading that you're going to be doing is a couple of pages from Jay Rosenberg, a contemporary philosopher.
Meanwhile, the budget passed its first reading on October 25th.
Let's cut ahead to Chapter Two, we can miss Chapter One at the first reading.
Sections that may be passed over in first reading are marked with an asterisk.
You should not be taken aback with some issues that might put you off at first reading.
Streep: So you get all ready before the first reading and then, you know, forget it.
A week later, read the water meter again and subtract the first reading from the second.
On first reading, Mr Hill’s new collection, “Clavics”, does little to dispel this difficult image.
External memory access requests are processed by first reading the corresponding security bit.
But you can be sure that they have greater depth and coherence than one notices on first reading.
On first reading, these ten findings may seem too abstract to be of much practical help to architecture.
The first reading is called Systolic Blood Pressure and the second or lower reading is known as Diastolic Blood Pressure.
Read all the choices carefully . never assume that you have selected the best answer without first reading all the choices.
During the design process, I have to do is to complete the first reading of the construction unit based construction design.
By first reading these extra books, I found I could come back to the assigned chapter in the textbook and understand it better.
He normally read one book every day, always first reading the conclusion and the index in order to gauge the work's interest for him.
Beyond the meeting in Arkhangelsk, a new energy efficiency bill has gone through a first reading in the Russian Parliament, Ms. Murray said.
I should mention that the very first reading that you're going to be doing is a couple of pages from Jay Rosenberg, a contemporary philosopher.
With several logging tools in a tool string, the first reading of each curve will be at a different depth, depending on the measure point of each tool.
With the automated device, six reading were taken at 1 minute intervals, with the first reading discarded and the mean of the other five readings used.
Finally, the QUESTIONS themselves provide valuable hints about the ideas contained in the passage as well as specific information to look for on your first reading.
In laboratories around the nation and half a dozen other countries, researchers Labour for a decade and the result out today is the first reading of human genetic code.
I learned these main issues by first reading them over, thinking about them, reflecting on them, then without looking at my notes, by trying to recite them in my own words.
Even on a surface level of understanding or upon a first reading, a poem from a New Critic's perspective, is a reconciliation of conflicts, of opposite meanings and tensions.
In the second half of class, I will introduce to you and start telling the first story of the term, and that's about Richard Wright's Black boy which is our first reading of the term.
Clojure is a Lisp variant, so evaluation occurs by first reading an expression as a Clojure data structure (usually a list), then evaluating each expression in the data structure.
Clojure is a Lisp variant, so evaluation occurs by first reading an expression as a Clojure data structure (usually a list), then evaluating each expression in the data structure.