How do you determine what fiscal period a firm is using? Why would companies use something other than calendar year as a fiscal period?
If there is a debit balance in the cash over and short account at the end of the fiscal period it is an expense and may be included in "miscellaneous expense" on the income statement.
This is not surprising: today's fiscal deficits exceed those of any previous period, in peacetime.
The United States' current fiscal problems are rooted in a long period of unfunded spending.
Goldman Sachs's pay pot dropped by 35% in the first quarter, for example, compared with the same period in the previous fiscal year.
In only one of the cases considered-a period of Danish fiscal consolidation from 1983 to 1986-did rising domestic demand lead an expansion.
FedEx said reinstatement of more employee compensation programs will hit earnings in that period as well as in the next fiscal year, which begins in June.
In the company’s most recent fiscal year, which ended on Oct. 31, net profit jumped 20 percent from the same period a year earlier, to 2.8 billion yen.
Chapter six, from "three practices of fiscal policy of period of China's economic transition" I draw some conclusions.
I do think the power of public policy in its entirety - that which has been done, plus a large fiscal stimulus - should be able to stem this within a reasonable period of time.
The fiscal policy has long been implemented by the government as a means and measure in the fiscal field to realize a certain economic goal within a period.
An interim period refers to a reporting term which is shorter than a full fiscal year.
Total average assets is calculated as the average value of assets over an accounting period, such as a fiscal quarter.
The less charitable view: Lehman's fiscal third quarter, which closes at the end of this month, has turned ugly and the bank is racing to get deals done before the period ends.
If you are using a fiscal year variant you'd have to define a calendar with only the first day of each period defined as workingday and use it in the periodicity restrictions.
If you are using a fiscal year variant you'd have to define a calendar with only the first day of each period defined as workingday and use it in the periodicity restrictions.