Whether it's a lowly shrimp, a fried fish stick, or wild Alaskan salmon, it's not part of a vegan diet.
Afterwards some of us go canoeing out to the beavers' dam up the creek while the big guys stick around the camp to fish.
Have eggs, fish or cold meat at breakfast. Stick to protein-based foods at lunchtime such as oily fish with dark green vegetables.
"If I used magnets, the fish would stick together," he told a CCTV news programme.
Inside the box, the scientists created a trail with their artificial fish, which was essentially a rubber fin on a stick that created a trail similar to the swimming motion of a real fish.
Nor were behaviour patterns that did not appear to be sporadic (digging for termites, rather than using a stick to fish for them) classified as cultural.
To make cutting the fish easier, you can stick the fillet of fish in the freezer for about 15 minutes to firm it up a bit.
In order for the fish to have that beautiful crusty coating actually stick to the fish, it is really important to start with the flour then the egg-cream then the bread crumbs-in that order!
Although the pacu normally stick to a fruit, nut, and insect diet, they have been known to eat other fish as well as human flesh.
Eat lean proteins! Depending on your lifestyle stick with proteins like chicken, eggs, and fish.
Today in France, April Fools' Day is called 1e Poisson d'Avril-"the April fish"-and a classic prank is to stick a paper fish to an ur}suspecting passerby's back.
What some places have "to stick autumn fat" is consuetudinary, one to the autumn people begins ground of big fish big meat to enter fill.
He says a friend gave him a bamboo stick and told him to get the fish.
Cololabis saira stick-held net is a kind of buoyant lift-nets, catching fish by attracting lamps.
The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.
They seem to have a way of "turning" away aggressors by bending a little to expose their sharp scales that sort of stick out when the fish is bent.
Not only is the Android handset IPx7 water-resistant, it has been designed to float meaning owners don't have to fish it out from the bottom of the sea, or stick their hand into a toilet basin.
Not only is the Android handset IPx7 water-resistant, it has been designed to float meaning owners don't have to fish it out from the bottom of the sea, or stick their hand into a toilet basin.