Research on recharge ways of karst fissure water in Donggaodi area has been carried out.
Combining with practical examples, it introduces the working effect for adopting that configuration of electrical sounding to explore karst fissure water.
Along the canal, pore water and fissure-karst water have a recharge-discharge re lation, while in south of the canal, canal water and fissure-karst water have no direct water power relation.
There is abundant karst fissure water in the limestone and dolomite of Cambrian and Ordovician.
The mathematical model of karst fissure water is established on this basis, and further evaluation of groundwater resources is made by using finite element method. The result is sa...
In this paper the water balance method is used to analyse groundwater resources and allowable exploitation quantity of karst fissure water in the Mishian basin.
The mathematical model of karst fissure water is established on this basis, and further evaluation of groundwater resources is made by using finite element method. The result is satisfactory.
The mathematical model of karst fissure water is established on this basis, and further evaluation of groundwater resources is made by using finite element method…
The mathematical model of karst fissure water is established on this basis, and further evaluation of groundwater resources is made by using finite element method. The result...
Steeply inclined and filling type of karst fissure-water bearing structure occurred in a steeply inclined angle of fissure, easily accumulate water and form a high water pressure in its fissure space.
Steeply inclined and filling type of karst fissure-water bearing structure occurred in a steeply inclined angle of fissure, easily accumulate water and form a high water pressure in its fissure space.