However tempering properly after drying can reduce fissuring occurrence.
The fissuring of rice is more likely to be initiated at the center of the kernel.
Drying wet rice rapidly and soaking or rewetting dry rice kernels imperatively results in severe fissuring.
Relative humidity changes have much greater effect on rice fissuring than that of temperature of environment.
The rice resistance to fissuring is controlled by the physical characteristics and chemical composition of the grains.
The crack appears at the edge angle due to stress concentration caused by alternating load, which finally leads to the fissuring of die plate.
Handling moisture content of rice kernels reasonably during produce? Process and storage may decrease fissuring and in crease head rice yield.
The law of the paddy fissuring during the process of drying process, storaging after drying and in the moisture adsorbing environment was studied.
And properly controlling the moisture content of rice kernels during rice production, milling and storage may decrease fissuring and increase head rice yield.
It is concluded that the rough rice may be fissured after drying or during moisture adsorption. Through the experiments, the rough rice fissuring mechanism has been studied.
It has been found that the pore characteristics of lump coal mainly depend on degree of coalification, types of macerals, content of inorganic matters and intensity of fissuring.
It has been found that the pore characteristics of lump coal mainly depend on degree of coalification, types of macerals, content of inorganic matters and intensity of fissuring.