If you fit the bill, send a CV to Rebecca Rees.
Finally, you learned some of the additional criteria that might help you make your decision in cases where either solution seems to be able to fit the bill.
Regarded as one of the most romantic hideaways in Britain, the Dovecote would certainly fit the bill for most lovebirds.
The recipients are far from random, and fit the bill of strategically chosen countries throughout Latin America and Africa.
While these technologies fit the bill for many user interfaces, other applications might call for richer user interaction and a more mature framework.
You can also write a new one or adapt another open source project to fit the bill, but keep in mind that doing so takes cycles away from your actual project.
For many young people, an unlimited downloading service bundled with an ISP subscription would fit the bill.
A global market could fit in easily with the climate bill being debated in the U.S. Congress.
Maybe the Republicans can find a chameleon: Marco Rubio, Florida’s boy wonder, might fit the bill.
Mr Netanyahu weakly proposed to extend the stipend to all students. But hardly any ordinary ones fit the bill.
Wimm-Bill-Dann is considered the most probable target, given its fit with Danone's existing products and its stated desire for "extreme focus".
Wimm - Bill - Dann被认为是最大的可能目标,因为他符合达能的现有产品,并且它也要求极端的关注。
If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI), an open source tool called Ethereal may fit the bill.
For the case of Storebrand and its customers the jointly defined system fit the bill.
Stefan Jaecklin of Oliver Wyman, a firm of consultants, reckons that Singapore and Switzerland are most likely to fit the bill.
It has a true tablet OS, handsome looks, and features that seem to fit the bill of a killer tablet.
As far as learning Rails goes, I think a certain book and screencast series fit the bill.
Essentially, the global model defines a UDDI find_service operation intending to search the UDDI registry and retrieve a list of candidate Web services that fit the bill.
本来,全局模型定义uddi find_service操作是为了搜索uddi注册方并检索符合条件的一系列侯选web服务。
If you want to create all your beans in Groovy and be able to add logic into the bean-building process, the bean Builder might fit the bill nicely.
如果要用Groovy创建所有的bean,并且要能够添加逻辑到bean构建过程中,bean Builder必须很好地符合要求。
From a futuristic slum to a wealthy town environment this series covers a diverse range of themes and Settings that all fit the bill as a futuristic city environment.
It probably would have been better if they had a British actress, considering that she [Lara] is British… but she [Angelina] did fit the bill.
Indeed, a certain class of drugs already in development for treating cancer might fit the bill.
Natalie: I could have made it work. He um... he really fit the bill. You know?
With the recession, consumers want good value and comfort foods and tomato products fit the bill, like tomato soup, baked beans in tomato sauce and the ubiquitous ketchup.
Then, the system needs to find alternatives unblemished by the disastrous decisions of the past-and technocrats fit the bill.
Soko fit the bill. At the ceremony, which took place in Kai's apartment, Soko delivered a short homily about faith and remembering the dead.
So hopefully one of the existing mock-up tools would fit the bill.
If you are looking for a free Guitar Hero clone, Frets on Fire may fit the bill.
But red Toryism may be too morally censorious, and too hostile to big business, to fit the bill.
But red Toryism may be too morally censorious, and too hostile to big business, to fit the bill.