A year after China's elite athletes succeeded in topping the medals table with a cascade of gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics , August 8 was declared "National Fitness Day."
Some people might argue physical fitness wins the day for the players and teams, whereas, others believe a key factor in any sports activity is mental attitude.
The decision to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being.
I can see the world of health and fitness changing around me every day.
You can find fun ways to stay active all day with these non-boring fitness ideas.
At SAS, for example, employees are told to leave the office at 5 p.m., and they have on-site health care, day care, dry-cleaning and a fitness center.
Obesity. Reaching for calorie-free glasses of water throughout the day helps many people stay filled up enough to pass on snacks, says Prevention Fitness Editor Michele Stanten.
肥胖:《预防》杂志健美栏目编辑Michele Stanten说:“能够在一天之中喝几杯低卡路里的水帮助很多人保持足够饱的状态进而远离小吃。”
Then one day I went in to a Fitness First gym and met my boss Shaun.
有一天,我在FitnessFirst 健身俱乐部遇到我的老板Shaun。
Colin Grant, the CEO of the fitness and yoga chain Pure Group, turned his love of yoga into his day job.
Take regular physical activity: At least 30 minutes of regular physical activity every day helps to maintain cardiovascular fitness; at least 60 minutes on most days helps to maintain healthy weight.
For example, if you are working on a fitness goal that involves spending one hour a day in a gym, you should take the time to meet some of the people who are at the gym.
Going to the gym and slogging it out for a half hour a day is the Health Blog's standard fitness m.o..
Going to the gym and slogging it out for a half hour a day is the Health Blog's standard fitness M. o.
For mental fitness you might start the day repeating 5 positive affirmations that put you in a positive mindset for the day.
During this week make it a rule to work out every day trying different types of fitness.
For some of us out there, if we could just convince ourselves that there is enough time in the day to exercise, we could be on track to a great fitness program.
Adequate fitness can be achieved with 30 minutes of exercise each day, such as brisk walking, regardless of your weight, Blair said.
Look to the modern fitness center to unwind after a long day in the city, or indulge at the renowned spa, complete with experienced staff and a variety of treatments.
Yes, on the first day, they assigned me a trainer who gave me a fitness test.
I do yoga every day to improve my fitness.
Just as athletes run or swim every day not to lose their fitness, I watch English TV every evening.
Morning exercise every day to the fitness not only, also in order to embody the stubbornness of life.
That means he's training every day so his fitness levels are much better. And he's maturing so you can see the consistency in his game.
You can choose some simple conventional motion to fitness, such as every day do a few minutes of push-ups, jump rope skipping, etc.
We lost a few friendlies, but they were no more than training games while we have been working twice a day on the players' fitness at our training camp.
But I can introduce him to my personal trainer. Maybe one day he will be a fitness freak instead of a cough potato.
Fitness 1 day or 10 days, there's no change, however, adhere to the 100 days?
At SAS, for example, employees are told to leave the office at 5 p. m., and they have on-site health care, day care, dry-cleaning and a fitness center.
For a day of pampering, visit the full-service spa or spend time exercising in the onsite fitness center.
For a day of pampering, visit the full-service spa or spend time exercising in the onsite fitness center.