Any tax measures enacted now as a quick fix would only be reversed in a few years when the economy picks up.
Guilt, by prompting us to think more deeply about our goodness, can encourage humans to make up for errors and fix relationships.
How did you fix up the broken bicycle?
She left at 5:45 a.m., so I had to wake myself up, fix breakfast, and walk to the 7:30 a.m. bus.
Think about all the other service workers we have in this community. We have people who collect waste and rubbish and keep our community sanitary. We have road workers who put up and repair traffic signs and fix holes in the streets to protect not just us, but our cars!
If you need to fix up references after having moved numerous elements between resources, it is strongly suggested that you select the Check resources and elements option.
"I used to be so busy that now I want to travel," he said. "I always had to buy land, build factories, fix up my house."
It meant more gold in the money sack. He could fix up Lizzie, redeem all his promises, and still have enough left to build his grass-walled castle.
Another reason is that the more clients come in for non-business reasons, the greater the opportunity to fix up meetings to sell them financial services.
The object cannot be moved in this GC cycle; we cannot fix up the reference as it may not be a real reference but simply an integer that happens to have the same value as an object on the heap.
在这一 GC周期中不能移动对象;我们不能修改引用,因为它可能不是一个真的引用而只是恰巧与堆上的对象同值的一个整数。
I'm working hard to fix up your classrooms and get you the books, equipment and computers you need to learn.
And now listen, dear, we've got to fix up about the next time we meet.
To fix up his financial short game, Tiger Woods is going to have to start making money again the old-fashioned way: by playing the sport he's known for.
One ten-minute conversation with some vegetable-sellers ends with Mr Lavoie agreeing to give them over $8, 000 to fix up their stalls.
Ms. Wehmeier and her husband, Gary, are renting a modest apartment this summer while they fix up a house they just bought in Des Peres, Mo.
"I'm hoping we can fix up a little mini-migration when we have maybe 400 to 500 of them, " says Bill Willcutt, the reserve's original manager. "That'll be something to see."
“我希望经过小规模的迁移,这里能有400到500头野牛,”保护区的原经理比尔·威尔卡特(Bill Willcutt)说道:“这里将变得有物可看。”
Some friends helped me to fix up the house.
The main grating fix up in the gyre axis.
Jin doesn't know how to fix up bicycles.
By knowing the applied forces, man can fix up the dimensions and by changing the shape of the gear, man can change the applications.
Applying a meat ax to those few fixed cost-of-living items would only cost us to fix up the house at a later date.
This would be a great month to spend more time with Mom or Dad, or to do things for your parents, such as to help clean out their garage or to fix up their lawn or garden.
Parents can still play a significant role in trying to fix up their children. Matchmakers are common in the villages.
They weren't able to fix up their differences.
He has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don't have bikes.
He has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don't have bikes.