Retesting by a certain date allows the teams to fix those additional defects.
If it took, say, a month to fix any problems identified as a section cooled, each cycle would postpone the start date by three months.
Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.
However, you can schedule the application of the fix for a future time by selecting schedule service and providing a date and time for the fix to be applied (Figure 4), then click OK.
If the board of directors does not fix the record date for determining shareholders entitled to a share dividend, it is the date the board of directors authorizes the share dividend.
Applying a meat ax to those few fixed cost-of-living items would only cost us to fix up the house at a later date.
If you wish your friends would help you find someone to date, see if you can fix up a friend.
Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.
Janie Brown's boyfriend Steve called time on their six-month romance yesterday and rather than mope, she decided to fix herself up with a date straight away.