Despite the recent recession, dads, it seems, would rather spend quality time with their offspring than put up shelves or fix dripping taps at the weekend.
Schools generally put up with the problems on the playground because they don't know how to fix them, but it turns out that rescuing recess is pretty easy.
In many cases, it has been "back to the drawing board" and calling in the highly paid specialists to help fix a problem that could have been easily avoided with some up-front diligence.
In general, if software is not written to be maintainable, then even if it works to begin with, sooner or later you (or someone else) will end up breaking it trying to fix bugs or add new features.
That seemed credible until he followed up with the following: "I did notice it first and normally would fix it myself, but I'm too busy."
Approaching this like any other task you do at work, by coming up with a practical fix or two, should help take most of the emotion out of it.
In fact, it's good enough to tell the public what has gone wrong. Coming up with a plan to fix it will be another thing, which is more complicated.
I quoted this to the sheep I thought looked the most like a kebab-in-waiting but it just paused to fix me with a cool stare, so I walked back up the hill quickly and tried to think of vegetarian food.
That fix was all working fine for a few months, but the other day I got stuck with the window down and it wasn't going up for love or money, so I was forced to take action.
A warm place with no memory. Open a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up like new. Take my guests out charter fishing.
A warm place with no memory. Open a little hotel right on the beach. Buy some worthless old boat and fix it up like new. Take my guests out charter fishing.