Main transmission adopts steel sliding plate which is wear resisting. With this design, we can fix position precisely.
Have therefore, just now circulating so far appear and fix position with two characters of "Dalian" as famous of city.
For this purpose, can only fix position committing a crime in relative with the accomplice single-handed including recidivism.
Cutting breath measurement using of the hexagonal position scale with widely variable range, rapid and reliable to fix position.
High precision, sophisticated ball screw. Backgauge driven by digital ac servo motor, high speed, high precise, precise fix position.
This paper points out that librarian needs fix position again under electronic document conditions. Some measures to bring about fixed position are put forward.
To aim at the programme features and the fix position of medical worker of clinical, the author adopted the case-book method during the day-to-day teaching and got good results in teaching.
The influence of a centralization winding brushless DC motor structural design parameter and magnetic field were analyzed, and a way to achieve the fix position angular force was brought out.
It was pointed out that measuring the thickness of the piping in the fix position and using computer in administration were the important aspects of the normal administration of process piping.
One international currency smuggler who was having trouble getting money out of Britain was offered help by a group of men who said they were in a position to "fix thing"— for a fee of course.
The Gears Geolocation API can make use of network servers to obtain a position fix.
The Fix: Near your name, and in a font size almost as big, Feldberg recommends including your target position.
Conclusion the knee CT is very important to fix the position of synovial plicaes effusion around the articular capsule.
The navigator application test indicated that the navigator for buildings can fix an accurate position in 5-10 meters accuracy range and can be used in self-made small area map navigation.
From human body language' hidden form, expressive form and signs of both inside and outside, it manages to fix its position and determine its quality.
This paper introduces a method to position-fix point of impact when shooting ground targets from aircraft cannons and a way to realize automatic scoring.
Finally, in order to fix on the position of nonzero lattice vector effectively, that is, to deal with zero lattice vectors effectively, the concept of significant map is introduced into.
In addition, NEO M8U offers instantaneous position immediately after power up, without the need to wait for a first fix as with regular GNSS receivers.
It fix the position of the brake frame and as a result, the design of the soleplate.
We adopt easy design of halving to fix the position, which enable the worker to use the rack with basic training.
In chapter two, the monographer analyzed the ability character and training pattern of preliminary technician specialists to fix a reasonable position of specialist training object.
Directions for use: Tie the shorter one onto the bottle (cup) body, and then the longer end to the position where you want to fix the bottle (cup).
Given that position information does not change too often, it is usually sufficient to establish an initial position fix and then acquire updates periodically after that.
Operators can fix the nail spang in specified position as general handy men although the operators do not have foundation common senses in the area using the utility model.
A two-dimensional position fix that includes only horizontal coordinates. It requires a minimum of three visible satellites.
We fix our position that is to make good quality, to give reasonable price and to provide better service for our customers.
The fastening screw has the advantages that: the fastening screw has better guiding performance and can better fix the relative position of two parts.
A triangular cloth is used to fix the arm in position. The bandage also holds the dressing in place.
With the single track vacuum sucking system, ensure the printing stock can run steadily and fix the position precision in multi-printing.
With the single track vacuum sucking system, ensure the printing stock can run steadily and fix the position precision in multi-printing.