Past research has called these beliefs "mindsets", with a "fixed mindset" referring to the belief that people cannot change and a "growth mindset" referring to the belief that people can change.
It creates, Tugend notes, a fixed mindset among people who won't admit or correct their deficiencies.
On the one hand, a "fixed mindset" assumes that success is the affirmation of the inherent intelligence.
And when you tell a child "you're so smart", what you're unwittingly doing there is encouraging a fixed mindset.
The part of me that's frustrated by my inability to still my mind for more than a few seconds and then soars when I'm able to one day, is operating with a fixed mindset.
Now the problem with the fixed mindset is that when things get difficult, kids who have been performing in order to get praise for being smart suddenly get very insecure.
It confirms the fixed mindset and makes kids all the more certain that they don't want to try something difficult - something that could lose them their parents' high regard.
It confirms the fixed mindset and makes kids all the more certain that they don't want to try something difficult - something that could lose them their parents' high regard.