They receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session.
Borrowers with a big mortgage should go for a fixed rate.
Instead, they receive a fixed rate, which is typically about $825 for a standard four-hour vocal session.
Borrowers on floating (variable) rates could swap with those on a fixed rate.
For much of his career he said the Fed should let the money supply grow at a fixed rate.
Swedish couples — women and men — get 13 months paid leave and another three months at a fixed rate.
Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate.
Poland, ambitiously, says it wants to meet the criteria and set a fixed rate for the zloty against the euro in 2011.
Anyone purchasing hard assets like real estate, with a 5% fixed rate loan, ought to make good money if that happens.
This week it dipped below eight yuan for the first time since China abandoned its fixed rate of 8.28 to the dollar last July.
Interest-rate swaps allow investors and borrowers to switch from a fixed rate to a floating, or variable, rate and vice versa.
息率互换合约[3](Interest Rate Swap)允许投资者和借债人把一个固定利率的合约与一个浮动(可变)利率的合约相交换;同样也允许反向操作。
Google didn't disclose at what price it's buying the wind power from NextEra, but it's a 20-year contract which offers Google a fixed rate over that time.
On the Sampling page, you can limit the amount of data being collected by specifying either a fixed percentage or a fixed rate of all the data to collect (Figure 11).
在Sampling页面,您可以限制收集数据的数量。这可以通过选择所有数据收集的fixedpercentage或者fixed rate来实现(见图11)。
Rather than benefiting from company profits the way that stock holders do, bond holders receive a fixed rate of return - a percentage of the bond's original offering price.
For people buyinga house or a car, mortgage, lenders have offered fixed-rate and variable loansfor decades.
In Colorado, despite a multimillion-dollar deficit, the Denver Public Library has practically done away with fixed-rate fines.
Global currency regimes tend to come and go in long cycles, with fixed-rate and floating-rate regimes following each other with a surprising degree of regularity.
We argued that floating exchange rates would cause less disturbance than the fixed-rate regime.
Theaverage rate on a two-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 25 percent deposit was3.77 percent in July, compared with 3.67 percent the previous month, the Bankof England said in a separate report today.
Historically low interest rates for fixed-rate mortgages.
Despite rising rates, fixed-rate mortgages still account for half of all new mortgages.
There are concerns about the liquidity of this paper, but the yield pickup is substantial, 1.05 percentage points more than U. S. Treasurys on the fixed-rate portion of the Citi issue.
Fixed-rate mortgages have posed difficulties to lenders in years of increasing interesting rates.
And a fixed-rate loan is safer than an adjustable one.
Since it moved to unlimited fixed-rate funding, the central bank has been content to allow the overnight rate to drift much lower than the policy rate.
Since it moved to unlimited fixed-rate funding, the central bank has been content to allow the overnight rate to drift much lower than the policy rate.