After loading the fragile things on top of fixed well.
You would expect the sensor data integration to be a relatively well defined and fixed process, with little implication to business driven changes.
This approach works well when the format is fixed or self-defining, and it has the advantage of facilitating easy optimizations for specific formats.
Marriage. If your spouse is in a fixed lifestyle, you may feel compelled to stay fixed as well.
Determinate sentencing, on the other hand, reflects a philosophy of deterrence and means that prison time is relatively fixed, whether an inmate behaves well or badly.
The frequent schedule also means updates are well tested, and any problems are fixed quickly.
To administer the customs fixed assets and real estate, as well as the vehicles, boast and other transport equipment, uniforms, operational documents and certificates.
The rather simple segments of the desktop market (fixed function, technical and transactional workstations, as well as basic office) cover only a limited set of standard applications.
And with its strong presence in the Eurofighter Typhoon programme, all of which position the Company well to deliver a high level of protection for both rotary and fixed wing platforms.
Ge also supplies the GEnx engine, fixed and moveable wing structures as well, as landing gear actuation and the common core system direct to Boeing for the 787 program.
Wi-Fi offers an ideal wireless connection to a fixed Internet connection, while Bluetooth offers an ideal wireless connection for, well, anything in your personal area network.
Wi - Fi为固定的因特网连接提供了一个理想的无线连接方式,而蓝牙则是为,怎么说,你的个人区域网(personal area net work)内的所有东西提供了一个理想的无线连接方式。
How can you verify that the size of a FixedList isn't, well, fixed at this point?
Unfortunately (well, I guess in the grand scheme, fortunately), human users are not naturally bound to a fixed set of interactions.
遗憾的是(恩,我认为从大范畴来看,应该说 “幸运的是”),人类用户不会自然而然地被约束在固定的交互操作集中。
It actually works so well that we have been able to create a fixed time, fixed price business model.
The biggest disadvantage is usually that because the well has fixed dimensions, it is impossible to install a larger outboard.
Being a fan became a fixed point, wherever I lived; it was-it is-one of the two or three things that I think of as making me, well, me.
The latter point is critical because we expected to (and did) need additional features added to the graphics library as well as some bugs fixed.
These are problems that must be fixed for the sake of local, as well as international, businesses.
Now that we have fixed-term Parliaments, it would be possible for parties to plan these get-togethers well in advance.
Well if we wanted to have peace we would have the two sides ready to discuss without fixed opinions.
Determinate sentencing, on the other hand, reflects a philosophy of deterrence and means that prison time is relatively fixed, whether an inmate behaves well or badly.
In this task as well, you can work with multiple users and use dynamic XPath expressions, instead of using a fixed user for assignment as shown in the previous example.
Fixed-line carriers like AT&T and Verizon, as well as cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner, are now free to throttle download speeds in the name of "network management".
固定电话运营商如美国电报电话公司和弗莱森通讯(Verizon),还有你像康卡斯特和时代华纳(Time Warner)之类的有线电视公司,他们现在都可以以“网络管理”为名义来任意限制下载速度。
This never goes down well with a Scorpio, for you are a fixed sign, not known to be flexible when you feel passionate about your point of view, which seems the case in late June.
Everyone loves a bargain, as those restaurant chains which offer you special "all you can eat" deals for a fixed price know all too well.
Well, let's hope we see an improvement soon. People on fixed incomes, particularly retired people.
Fixed right-clicking planets from outside the gravity well to execute their planet-centric abilities (should be interpreted as a move).
Fixed right-clicking planets from outside the gravity well to execute their planet-centric abilities (should be interpreted as a move).