This time, fizzing would indicate acid in the soil.
In May last year Yahoo! Ventured into this fizzing market by buying Koprol, a location-based social network.
But at a certain point the water becomes unstable - and a fizzing display of droplets and chaotic waves results.
Several thousand Nepali bibliophiles, most of them young, are expected to attend three days of fizzing discussion.
I lean out the window and the Eiffel Tower is fizzing champagne; it is built entirely of Numbers and shrouded in black lace.
When David steps out of the front door he is blinded for a moment by the white, fizzing sunlight and reaches instinctively for his dad's hand.
For the next stage you need to make sure that the bowl you are using, and your hands, are completely dry - otherwise the bomb will start fizzing.
On the broad desk in the middle of the room, two crystal glassessat beside an opened bottle of Perrier, its bubbles still fizzing. A pewter pot of coffee steamedbeside it.
The waters south of the island have been bubbling and fizzing with heat, sediment, bits of volcanic rock, and minerals for weeks, with the plume stretching tens of kilometers.
The two months recently spent on an advanced management programme at Harvard Business School, consorting with chief executives, has obviously rubbed off on Lewis, who is fizzing with energy.
Theres this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profoundand jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a brightflash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of myface.
Theres this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profoundand jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a brightflash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of myface.