When the "out" ball touches the player of the receiving team, you should give the flag signal to show ball touched.
The only thing you should normally do inside a signal handler is set a global flag that will be processed later.
A fox USES its tail (or "brush") as a warm cover in cold weather and as a signal flag to communicate with other foxes.
A black flag in a car race is the signal for a driver to go to the pits.
It then sets an internal flag called suspended to true and enters a loop, waiting to be sent a signal to resume.
If the restart flag is set to True (the default), then an interrupt to the routine caused from some UNIX signal will cause a restart of the routine.
Its function consists of data-gathering, digital trap, data signal, flag alarm, digit communication and so on.
The main products are: cone-shaped lamp, solar street lighting, courtyard, Jingguan Deng, Gao Gandeng series; traffic signal pole, under control, flag poles, and overhead billboard campaign.
The main products are: cone-shaped lamp, solar street lighting, courtyard, Jingguan Deng, Gao Gandeng series; traffic signal pole, under control, flag poles, and overhead billboard campaign.