I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.
The result of a staff query can be the flag "Everybody," a set of user IDs or E-mail addresses, or the name of a group of people.
Article 16 The National Flag, when hoisted or lowered from a vertical staff, shall be hoisted or lowered slowly.
Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.
When hoisted, the National Flag must reach the peak of the staff; when lowered, it may not touch the ground.
Also note how long his staff has worked with him. High turnover can be a red flag, and happy employees are more likely to stay put.
The creative activity designed and organized by Top Flag inspired all the staff of Minsheng Banking and gave a over 200% increase to our benefit.
Already they could see the fur caps of the soldiers, could distinguish officers from privates, could see their flag flapping against its staff.
The national flag of Poland was at half staff in front of the Polish embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands.
The is staff flag controls whether the user is allowed to log in to the admin interface (i. e. , whether that user is considered a staff member in your organization).
Other traditions include raising the flag to full staff and then lowering to half-staff, then raising it again at noon.
Have stood in front of the full dress uniform clothing, carrying the Olympic flag, the national flag, banners greet the torch practice staff.
Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again, with no flag on the jack-staff and no black smoke issuing from the chimneys.
On Memorial Day, the flag should be at half-staff until noon only, then raised to the top of the staff.
when hoisted, the national flag must reach the peak of the staff; when lowered, it may not touch the ground.
China Minsheng Banking Corp, Ltd. : the creative activity designed and organized by Top Flag inspired all the staff of Minsheng Banking and gave a over 200% increase to our benefit.
The senator's staff estimated that 25,000 people filed past the flag-draped coffin Thursday, and the line of mourners again extended around the building on Friday.
The senator's staff estimated that 25,000 people filed past the flag-draped coffin Thursday, and the line of mourners again extended around the building on Friday.