Indians in Uganda, however, seem confident that this month's flare-up was an exception, not the rule.
Chocolate bars might trigger an acne flare-up, but if so, the culprit is probably the sugar, milk, and gooey fillings, not the cocoa.
But, though new cases are now measured in dozens, rather than hundreds, a week, the disease has not been stamped out-and a new epidemic could flare up somewhere else at any time.
The Flare Gun is one of the few weapons not subject to distance indexed damage falloff or ramp up.
Better toned muscles and tendons should then glide more easily and not cause hip bursitis to flare up again in the future.
You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your parents.
During the year, 174 participants ended up having flares, versus 209 whose IBD symptoms did not flare up.
Not infrequently, the flames of conflict flare up again just a few weeks or months after a cease-fire is signed.
有时候,停火协议签订后只几个月,甚或几个星期,战火又再 燃起,这种情况 屡见不鲜。
Not infrequently, the flames of conflict flare up again just a few weeks or months after a cease-fire is signed.
有时候,停火协议签订后只几个月,甚或几个星期,战火又再 燃起,这种情况 屡见不鲜。