She read to us every day and used homemade flash CARDS to teach us phonetics.
Read through flash CARDS with statements as to why the punitive parent is incorrect.
Flash card Machine features a free web app for creating and sharing your own flash CARDS.
To help myself study, I made flash CARDS that fit perfectly on the large metal dishwasher.
If not, try another approach, like labeling everything in your house or making flash CARDS.
Your boredom and pain will vanish the instant you get into line and whip out your flash CARDS.
The idea of not having internal memory and carrying extra flash CARDS could be a deal-breaker for some.
To reinforce new ideas I use tools such as flash cards, PowerPoint presentations and games to help the children.
Alternate between your flash cards and notes and test yourself(orally or in writing) on the questions you formulated.
根据所制作的问题卡片对自己进行测试(口头或笔写)。 。
Additionally, registering for an account allows you to download other people's flash CARDS, or synchronize your own sets.
So far your hidden moments have been those that could be utilised either for reading (flash cards) or listening (cassettes).
Teacher sticks three flash CARDS onto the blackboard. Above each card, there is a piece of white paper covers on the surface.
Make a list of vocabulary terms and create a flash card for each one. Test yourself with the flash cards until you know everyone.
If you want to get fancy, there are any number of tools on the Web for creating flash CARDS or putting together quizzes and tests.
If you have your flash CARDS then that is a good time to use them to vote, assuming that the number is small enough to be made with.
Simple Operation With the flip of a switch record audio files to affordable and widely available Microdrives or compact flash CARDS.
Since that break though Brandon has learned the alphabet by looking at very large print. He can also recognize pictures on flash cards.
Once you have a list of example answers, write them out neatly on small, pocket-sized flash CARDS, and take them to your interview to act as prompts.
Once you have a list of example answers, write them out neatly on small, pocket-sized flash CARDS, and take them to your interview to act as prompts.
Alternating between physical and mental activities helps, too, as does increasing the novelty of lessons by blending films, tapes, flash CARDS, and group work.
It joined other essentials in my field pouch like extra camera batteries, flash CARDS, Swiss Army knife, toilet paper, notebook, granola bar, bottled water and luck.
MTD devices are those class of devices like flash chips, compact flash CARDS, memory sticks, and so on, which are increasingly finding their way into embedded devices.
Between flash CARDS, mod chips, firmware tweaks, and other techniques, pirates have always been able to download, distribute, and install software they haven't paid for.
Instead of doing sophisticated sorting on the client side, the MetaCritic site USES the equivalent of flash CARDS: One card has the list sorted by name, the other by score.
While practice testing is not a common strategy - despite the robust evidence supporting it - there is one familiar approach that captures its benefits: using flash CARDS.
What even chart-busting toddlers and preschoolers don't need are special "gifted" programs or learning tools such as flash cards, educational DVDs or brain-building computer games.
Get in the "flash card" habit: From the earliest grades on (all the way through college), students can benefit hugely from using homemade flash cards to learn facts, spelling and math.
My teacher told me it was a good idea to use flash cards and visual aids. She also told me to be careful with my pronunciation of some words, but overall I think the presentation went well.
The tutor worked with me in the summer, using flash CARDS to help me learn sounds, but even better, she helped me gain confidence in myself and allowed me to discover the ways that I am smart.
The tutor worked with me in the summer, using flash CARDS to help me learn sounds, but even better, she helped me gain confidence in myself and allowed me to discover the ways that I am smart.