Unluckily, she died in a flash flood at the age of 30 while driving back to her village in Baise.
Heavy rains triggered flash floods in Fangshan, Juma River flood peak discharge.
Mr Willetts is not the only writer to worry about baby-boomers crashing through society like a flash flood.
Small catchment are basic management units in the flash flood disaster control planning (FFDCP) in China.
In the third part, after analyzing the cause of flash flood, the task is divided into time prediction and spacial prediction.
Meanwhile, the dam fell into disrepair. Should really broke flash floods, the flood prevention capacity also really need to be reexamined.
The crest of a flood is its highest point, or peak. Flash floods are dangerous because people downstream have no warning of the coming flood.
Lead actor Jean Rochefort immediately fell ill, and if that wasn't calamitous enough, a flash flood washed away the entire set in northern Spain.
Flash flood is a kind of sudden flood which is caused by the sudden rainfall, rises up and down sharply in the basin hilly and mountainous areas.
Tragically, the heavily traveled tourist route became the site of the worst natural disaster in Colorado's history during a catastrophic flash flood in July 1976.
Sometimes, a flash flood in the upper reaches of a river system can evolve into a more general river flood as it joins with other inflows and spreads out as it travels downstream.
For example, a particular residence might be potentially affected by a flash flood through the local gully, or a river flood from the nearby major river, or a combination of the two.
The invasion coefficient is put forward because the flash flood must invade into the residence block and buildings. In order to compute the invasion water, the side weir idea is used.
Through the verification by flash flood data from a physical model study, all these three approaches show good agreement between measured and calculated results for non-overtopping flow scenarios.
Heavy rain is expected to follow and flash-flood warnings have been issued.
Heavy rain is expected to follow and flash-flood warnings have been issued.