No giant sucking sound, just the gentle hissing of an inner tube losing air, threatening a flat tire that could send the American dream machine off the road.
Hummer's tires are big and heavy, that in such hot and humid weather, Xiao Lin, the driver was nearly fainted for changing the flat tire.
1:Don’t worry about the flat tire. No sweat! I have a car phone and a set of tools in back. Just let me get my jack and tire iron, and I’ll change the tire and have you back on the road in no time!
对于Jack说来轮胎瘪了显然不是大问题,因为他有汽车电话,而且车箱里还放着一套工具。所以他要Jill别担心,换个轮胎一点儿都不费劲儿。他只要取出车后面的千斤顶和铁扳手,没一会儿工夫就会把轮胎换好,让Jill开车上路。 这里的nosweat显然表示这是轻而易举、不费吹灰之力的事儿。
It learns over time that if you retread a flat tire over and over again, and it keeps going flat on you, perhaps it is time to buy a new tire - if you hope to actually move forward.
Stop to help. The next time you see someone pulled over with a flat tire, or in need of assistance, stop and ask how you can help.
This also means having a back up plan, in case one of you is sick, you get a flat tire and have no tube, etc.
The next time you see someone pulled over with a flat tire, or in need of assistance, stop and ask how you can help.
As we headed back to Nicolas's car, we noticed a flat tire.
I loused up my chance to get that job at the radio station by showing up at the employment interview two hours late. But could I help it if my car had a flat tire on my way to the meeting?
You're in a vehicle, like a car or plane, that has some sort of malfunction, whether it's broken brakes, no gas or a flat tire.
She was driving with a flat tire and a broken wheel, causing even more car damage.
These come handy if the car breaks down during cold nights on highways or if one needs to change the flat tire.
In planning my drive to the airport, I'll factor in a "cushion" to allow for the unexpected, such as heavy traffic, or a flat tire.
Sometimes you just happen to be the person whose car runs over a nail in the road, and you end up with a flat tire.
The escorts aren't allowed to cheer or coach, but they can jump into action like a pit crew to assist with a flat tire.
Organizer 1: you're Numbers 23 and 24. Now you must check your bikes. Always check the tires before you ride. Never ride with a flat tire.
Nitrogen is the inert gases, low expansion coefficient, not easily with the environmental temperature rise for a long time, can maintain normal tire pressure, greatly reduce the flat tire.
A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start.
In Brooklyn, halted by a flat tire near Mile 13, upset and among strangers who had no idea who she was. But they wanted to help.
In the flat tire body will happen after running deviation, not with the car, try to keep fighting vehicle inertial straight road.
Just as we were about to drive away, Stan pointed out the car had a flat tire.
Good morning, I am calling you because I got a flat tire. My husband is a CAA member.
The flat tire was a setback. After they fixed it, they got back on the road.
Hi, this is Tony, I have a flat tire, could you come and pick me up?
The taxi driver bore down on me and began honking his horn. He was trying to tell me that my car had a flat tire.
But do not use cold water spilled punch, don't put gas, it could lead to a flat tire on the early damage and the tires.
We pulled over and the driver got on the intercom: It's just a flat tire, he said, and there's no need to panic and no need to curse.
We pulled over and the driver got on the intercom: It's just a flat tire, he said, and there's no need to panic and no need to curse.