The only signs of ageing are the flecks of grey that speckle his dark hair.
Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury.
Natural sea salt is beige in color and sometimes has flecks of darker material in it.
Eventually, the side part vanished and flecks of gray started to mingle with the black.
But the interesting part to researchers is the scattering of yellow flecks in the red background.
Mud flecks flew all around him and still she stood and watched with a pleasant smile on her face.
Soft and sheer lavender gloss has tiny flecks of lilac glitter which makes lips instantly look fuller.
A long exposure time captured stars (seen as white flecks in the sky) and the exceptional light in this image.
I will be fine, after those sadness. There will be a bright smile on my face, with flecks of sunlight in my eyes.
The water sparkled with golden flecks in the setting sun and a soft and breeze rustled the sea oats on the dunes.
If you salt the slurry with buck shot and swirl the pan around, the dark pellets will track the elusive flecks of gold.
In a small shop I found hand-brooms I knew she would like.They were crafted of sorghum stalks, light brown with dark flecks.
In a small shop I found hand-brooms I knew she would like. They were crafted of sorghum stalks, light brown with dark flecks.
They then coated the template with ink made of flecks of gold just 60 nanometres in diameter suspended in an aqueous solution.
The real flecks - once you know what to look for - are unmistakable. The trouble is that they are smaller than grains of sand.
The woods were carpets of green, with yellow green, bright green, bottle green, blue green and black green daubs, flecks, and patches.
Not only that, but the sail will also act like a handkerchief, mopping up microscopic orbital detritus such as flecks of paint from previous launches.
I sat down in the streetcar and there against the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle inlaid with gold and flecks of bright enamel.
Mr. Song said he was perplexed why people far from China were so eager for the golden flecks of rare earths that dot the clay of his formerly pristine valley.
These flecks are made up ofproteins involved in the part of the immune system called the complementsystem, which has also been implicated in the disease by genetic studies.
玻璃疣由一系列与补体系统有关的蛋白质构成。 补体系统是免疫系统一部分,疾病遗传研究同样涉及到这一系统。
Mild blood in the trachea, which is generally graded as 2 + blood (grading 1-4), is best described as more than flecks of blood being found, but less than a continuous stream.
气管内有少量血液,通常是指2 +级别血量(血量可分为1至4级),最适当的说明是,所发现的血量多于血斑,而又少于持续流血。
You can also use conditional formatting in Excel to turn lines red if they meet certain criteria, then notice the pattern of red flecks in the gray lines of text, as you scroll.
The concentric stone circles that make up Stonehenge, 130 km southwest of London, consist of giant sandstone blocks and smaller bluestones-volcanic rock of a bluish tint with white flecks.
The concentric stone circles that make up Stonehenge, 130 km southwest of London, consist of giant sandstone blocks and smaller bluestones-volcanic rock of a bluish tint with white flecks.