She was only their temporary custodian, she said, a form and a face caught fleetingly by the movie camera or posing, in soft focus, behind the hard stones.
He enrolled fleetingly in high schools in London and Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, but rarely attended.
The quarks and gluons indeed break out of confinement and behave collectively, if only fleetingly.
In Mary's case, her features had fleetingly exhibited despair when the interviewing doctor asked about her plans.
Into a single line, the scenery of life being stretched by speed, Fragmented, fleetingly, unbalance,...... Soul, rides on speeding.
Fleetingly, then, this looks accidental, an anomalous situation born out of a disease that threw everybody into a panic and then became manageable pretty swiftly.
But the number of people choosing to be malnourished, illiterate, lacking in basic possessions and drinkers of dirty water all at once is probably fleetingly small.
One of Friedrich Hayek's obvious-once-pointed-out observations is that society is full of local knowledge, often of a subtle nature and only fleetingly exploitable.
弗里德里希·哈耶克(Friedrich Hayek)曾经指出的一个显而易见的观察就是,社会充满了局部知识,这些知识常常具有微妙特性,以及仅仅是瞬时的可利用性。
Although she doesn't appear in the trailer or, if she did, fleetingly, Carter confirmed that Amanda Peet appears in the sequel as a FBI Special Agent Dakota Whitney.
All of the money Banks lend, perhaps only fleetingly, winds up in checking accounts, savings accounts, business accounts and other instruments that are measured as part of M2.
All of the money Banks lend, perhaps only fleetingly, winds up in checking accounts, savings accounts, business accounts and other instruments that are measured as part of M2.