When eating a whole cooked fish, you should never turn it over to get at the flesh on the other side.
Tigers are flesh-eating animals.
When did eating butter become a sin, and a little bit of extra flesh unappealing, if not repellent?
Evolutionist Charles Darwin first marvelled at flesh — eating plants in the mid-19th century.
Unusual in the Grotte Chauvet, as the cave is now called in honor of its discoverer, are paintings of many flesh-eating animals.
Other features, however, show experts that Pakicetus is a transitional form between a group of extinct flesh-eating mammals, the mesonychids, and cetaceans.
While such plants clearly thrive on being carnivorous, the benefits of eating flesh are not the ones you might expect.
After escaping from whaling boats 150 years ago, it quickly evolved to triple in size and switched from herbivory to eating flesh.
However the Vegetarian Society said: "the big question is how could you guarantee you were eating artificial flesh rather than flesh from an animal that had been slaughtered."
Consequently, somewhere in Tulsa, a man is worried that the cut on his foot is a flesh-eating virus.
And in the pseudo-Clementine literature, Peter is portrayed as a vegetarian who only eats bread and olives, and avoids eating "dead flesh."
A woman in the us who survived a five year battle with flesh-eating bacteria, undergoing dozens of operations, including an unusual bowel transplant, has given an interview about her ordeal.
The flesh you are eating when buying commercially produced meats is the product of pain and suffering.
如果你知道鸡和鸡蛋是如何商业化生产的,知道鸡在整个一生中会经受多大的苦难,你就会反思是否还会吃鸡。 几乎所有商业化生产的肉类莫不如此。
Although people have been eating vegetables and avoiding flesh for thousands of years, they have only been called vegetarians for a few hundred.
After escaping from whaling boats 150 years ago, it quickly evolved to triple in size, and switched from herbivory to eating flesh.
My patient died looking like one of the flesh-eating zombies from "28 Weeks Later," and indeed in real life, even in the world of the hospital, a death like this is unsettling.
Serious readers might dismiss these questions as fanciful, but concern about flesh-eating ghouls is manifestly evident in today's popular culture.
The remains of three new dinosaur species, including a flesh-eating predator, have been found in Queensland's outback.
Richard Tilbury (p. 66) continues his busy month with us as we continue our Painting the Undead series, and in this part we look at flesh eating Zombies!
Following the evil Umbrella Corperation, players uncover the story that led up to the release of a deadly virus that turns the dead into flesh eating zombies.
Place this sign on your door: "Premises under quarantine due to Flesh Eating Virus, which is HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS. If you can read this message, you are already at risk."
Take Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman, who had to pull out of an Aussie festival because he'd been diagnosed with necrotising fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease.
就拿屠夫(Slayer)乐队的吉他手杰夫·汉尼曼(Jeff Hanneman)来说,他就是因为被诊断出患上一种噬肉病-坏死性筋膜炎而不得不退出澳洲的庆祝活动。
Unless the banana flesh after cooking, cold abated before eating.
Rabies is an infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by a virus and spread chiefly by domestic dogs and wild flesh-eating animals.
Mouth after eating the flesh, it felt there was a taste, at this time, you can brown do not forget to come out of seeds!
We've all seen at least one movie about flesh-eating zombies taking over (my personal favorite is Resident Evil), but where do zombies come from and why do they love eating brains so much?
The plant tissues form food for the plant-eating animals which are in turn eaten by the flesh-eating animals.
Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system.
Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system.