If you don't mind working in the kitchen, we've got some pretty flexible hours for students doing food-prep work, anything from early morning to late afternoon.
Working from home likely implies flexible hours.
Many dental hygienists work part-time and enjoy flexible hours.
First of all, PTs have flexible hours and generally aren't expected to work nights.
The program includes flexible hours, mentoring, and special training from managers.
It offers flexible hours, a good variety of activities, and a very lucrative return.
"On the other hand, nonprofits are known for great work-life balance perks, like flexible hours," she adds.
Tired of working for only $9.75 per hour? We offer profit sharing and flexible hours. Starting pay: $7 -- $9 per hour.
But their goals are similar: to be their own bosses, work flexible hours and devote their efforts to projects they love.
But th eir goals are similar: to be th eir own bosses, work flexible hours and devote their efforts to projects they love.
Having flexible hours is a huge benefit for these people because they can exercise during the time of the day which suits them best.
I'm writing to object to your characterization of workplace scheduling that includes flexible hours as being a recipe for chaos.
Must have strong knowledge in the science of weight management, be detail-oriented, able to multi-task, and have flexible hours.
Working from home can give you much more flexible hours, but if you’re constantly interupted it’s going to be a lot harder to get things done.
I mean, I can stay at home with my son while still earning a good income, I have flexible hours, and I'm pretty much guaranteed to never be out of work.
Flexible hours for full-time jobs came top of the list for 85 percent of respondents who were asked what they thought made for a family-friendly employer.
I literally JUST saw an ad for a live-in dog walker in London, UK. The position entailed 25 flexible hours a week, and included room and board as well as $100 a week!
While the majority of workers polled said their health was their employer's responsibility, not everyone is asking for access to a gym, flexible hours or nutrition classes.
Of course, you’ll probably have to talk to your boss about this, but many people have flexible hours and many bosses would be happy to let you go early if you get your work done.
当然,这要先争得老板的同意。 事实上很多人都可以灵活的掌握工作时间,并且如果能尽早完成工作,老板都很乐意这样做。
If flexible hours are not possible, try leaving home a bit earlier and go to a gym near your place of work, or stay on longer after work and go for a run or walk near the office.
Only single females with no children, those who could work flexible hours, and women whose partners were responsible for the bulk of childcare were unaffected by the daily commute.
For example, if you have very flexible hours and can go on an early date, go back to work after dinner, and still get eight hours of sleep, then a 100-hour workweek might be fine for you.
Young people looking for a job with good pay, flexible hours and job security should consider working in health care, according to a list of the top 15 best jobs in the US for young people.
Rewards can be flexible working hours.
Rewards can be flexible working hours.