Calvin Klein Fabric and leather Flight bag Nylon and leather bag by Calvin Klein.
The addition enables transmission of day-of-flight data, including flight plans and weather information, directly to the airplane’s electronic flight bag (EFB).
They have a lot of luggage Mrs. Bard has two suitcases, an umbrella, a carry-all, and a medicine kit. Mr. Bard has one IarKe suitcase. one small suitcase. a camera and a flight bag.
I never wait to check my back or get the bag after the flight, and I can pack in 5 minutes.
The Fly-Bag has already been tested, with favourable results, against a blast of the force that caused the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988.
该飞机安全袋已经经过爆炸冲击试验,效果很好。 试验用炸弹的威力相当于1988年造成洛克比上空泛美103航班空难的炸弹。
On a flight to Berlin following his August trip to Sweden, a bag with three encrypted laptops mysteriously disappeared - a theft his airline was unable to explain.
Well, the air line lost my luggage on the return flight and then I lost my carry on bag when I was tackling with the officers in charge.
Slightly smaller than our Navigator Bag, but still spacious enough for all of your flight materials.
Slightly smaller than our Navigator Bag, but still spacious enough for all of your flight materials.