If you calculate flight time, check-in and travel to-and-from the airport, you'll find almost no difference.
The flight time measurement system based on CPLD is developed.
Most seats are sold. Be sure to arrive at the airport at least an hour before flight time.
The flight time for instance, writing on air-ticket is the airways promise to the passenger.
The company says the flight, with an average flight time of 96 seconds, is the shortest in the world.
This option increases flight time to up to 10 hours and has already been delivered to a U.S. customer.
Puma's standard propulsion system comes equipped with rechargeable batteries with a listed flight time of 2.5 hours.
The predicted safe flight time is given by this model, and the radiation protection is also discussed in this paper.
Total flight time from launch to impact for these types of weapons is usually less than 15 minutes when attacking low orbits.
They build jet flight time that gets them higher-paying positions as captains, and eventually, they hope, jobs at major airlines.
Most of these warrant officer aviators and commissioned officers have three times the amount of flight time I did when I was their age.
This paper gives a theoretical analysis about the hit energy, flight time, delay time etc. of the electromagnetic parts of a line printer.
The paper gives an introduction of the principle and realization process of acquisition of projectile flight time from AA guns vector computing sight.
The conception of equivalent mass is introduced in the calculation of flight time and its physical meaning and mathematical implication are explained.
Spiritmaster's Wing Root skill effect has been changed; flight time decreases by 20% instantly and continues to decrease by 6% every 3 seconds for 30 seconds.
There's also the geographic factor: These countries are very close to one another; a nuclear-armed missile's flight time, from launcher to target, is a few minutes.
The methods for measuring flight time and delay time under laboratory conditions are described and a comparison between measured and calculated values is made.
The errorless naturally accurate airways field serving reliably carries out flight time, that those can not carry out flight time airways service is unreliable.
In this paper, obtained the translunar trajectory for direct striking the moon, which satisfied some constraints including translunar flight time, lunar landing date.
The design was intended for flight at Mach 3, but it proved less than ideal at that speed, and the two aircraft together logged less than 2 hours of Mach 3 flight time.
The Lorentz transfer of time coordinates is the sum of two times, one related to time expansion and the other to the relativity of photon's flight time from the radiant to the receiver.
The Lorentz transfer of time coordinates is the sum of two times, one related to time expansion and the other to the relativity of photon's flight time from the radiant to the receiver.