Calculation results show that this model can simulate the characteristics of water flow in a floodplain river and can improve the capacity of flood routing simulating and predicting.
Therefore, it is of great significance to study the routing characteristics of flood caused by levee breach.
The key of the utilization of flood resource is to know flood occurrence course and movement rule, and flood routing state can be reappeared.
Hydrodynamic model is important tools of river flood routing and flood control, promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful, technically water control and scientific water manage.
When applied to flood routing for the river reach in large water years the curve obviously improves the simulated flood processes especially the result of the highest water stage.
Rising and falling of flood water level not only leads to the increase and decrease of underground water near the bank, but also restricts the change of runoff outflow routing.
According to largest quantity of free discharge and order of designing peak flow quantity in the flood discharge, flood regulation routing formula of general graph is computed.
Based on the Kilman filter theory and Muskingum method, the half self adaptive updating Kilman filter model of channel flow routing has been developed for real time application of flood forecasts.
In order to study flood management problems of the Wanquan River basin, a hydrological multicell and hydraulics model has been built up to simulate complex flood routing behaviors.
A flood routing model for river-type reservoirs was developed to calculate the dynamic reservoir capacity during the real-time flood regulation based on the hydrodynamic method.
The system is decoupled into two subsystems, namely the upper dam site subsystem and the dam site Hukou subsystem, according to its nature. The flood routing is carried out with hydrology methods.
The instability of Muskingum routing method used in the flood inverse routing in river channel was proved by using difference solution of motion wave equation.
When dealing with the relationship between tributary and main channel during flood routing, the general method is to add the discharge of tributary to that of main channel of the same instant.
An adaptive Routing strategy underlay the self organized UAVs networks due to various channel condition, including the DSR for steady link and directional flood method DREAM for the unsteady one.
包括链路稳定时的DSR路由算法和链路不稳定时的定向泛洪式的DREAM 路由算法。
The model constructed in the abstract world and the use of the matrix mark method to solve equations make it possible to realize flood routing and simulation, and the algorithm is universal.
The GIUH based on the width function considering the spatial changes of hydrodynamic parameters is built, by which the results of flood routing of watershed are satisfactory.
Numerical modeling of flood routing in flood area is important basis of non-engineering measure, such as analysis of flood risk, people's escaping from risk of flood and so on.
In this paper, the risk analysis for dike safety and emergency measures for dike burst is studied based on flood routing numerical simulation in the lower reaches of Liaohe River.
The flood routing in the flood diversion area of Baitan Lake, in Hubei Province, is calculated by the developed plane 2-d water mathematical model for flood diversion area.
The flood routing in the flood diversion area of Baitan Lake, in Hubei Province, is calculated by the developed plane 2-d water mathematical model for flood diversion area.