The direct lessons come from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident after the tsunami and the once-in-a-century great flood in North America.
The once-a-century flood, however, did not just wash away nearly a third of Cisco’s revenues in a single quarter. It also laid bare the limits of the firm’s business model.
In May 2011, both Canada and America suffered from a once-in-a-century great flood.
The once-a-century flood, however, did not just wash away nearly a third of Cisco's revenues in a single quarter.
In the summer of 1998, there was large-scale weather anomaly in China and the whole Yangtze River basin suffered a severe flood event, which is only next to 1954 in the 20th century.
1998年夏季我国出现了大范围的天气异常,在长江流域发生了2 0世纪第二大的全流域性洪水。
In the summer of 1998, there was large-scale weather anomaly in China and the whole Yangtze River basin suffered a severe flood event, which is only next to 1954 in the 20th century.
1998年夏季我国出现了大范围的天气异常,在长江流域发生了2 0世纪第二大的全流域性洪水。