They got through into the flooded mine shaft, and rescued the comrades.
Yesterday rescuers knocked in the pipe leading down to the flooded mine and they heard a response and cheered, however today no new signs of life.
There are reported that people all over the world are praying for a child stricken with a so-called incurable ailment, for peace among nations, for a group of miners trapped in a flooded mine.
In 1986 one mine far from the town was flooded and a sink was formed on its surface.
The men and 13 others were trapped when the Xinqiao coal mine flooded on 17 June.
16 workers were trapped in a flooded coal mine Saturday in Heilongjiang. The accident occurred at around 5 am when 22 miners were working in Xingnong Town, Jixi.
Nine miners trapped under the flooded Wangjialing coal mine were pulled early Monday to safety, after 179 hours underground. The survivors were immediately sent to hospital for treatment.
WSJ】Rescuers prepared to enter a flooded coal mine where 12 miners have been trapped for days in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China, Tuesday.
Four miners were still trapped in a flooded coal mine in Shanxi. The accident occurred Friday afternoon in a coal pit run by the Lingshi coal mine.
Rescuers search for 5 trapped in flooded graphite mine .
The mine was closed and flooded in 1996 and collectors were left with limited supply of beautiful specimens.
后来矿山关闭,1996 年被洪水淹没,收藏家们只能拿到非常有限的美丽标本。
Rescuers on Thursday declared the 29 miners trapped in a flooded iron ore mine in north China to be dead.
Rescuers worked Saturday to reach at least 42 miners who were trapped when the privately-owned and unlicensed Sigou coal mine flooded in Xinan county.
State television in China says that nine miners have been rescued from a flooded coal mine in Shanxi province where 153 people have been trapped for a week.
State television in China says that nine miners have been rescued from a flooded coal mine in Shanxi province where 153 people have been trapped for a week.