After crossing the Florida peninsula and coastal portions of the Gulf of Mexico, Tropical Storm Frances struck the Florida panhandle.
Born Bessie Lee Pittman in the Florida Panhandle, she had escaped poverty by moving to New York City, changing her name, and working in a Fifth Avenue hair salon.
Godfrey said his organisation was working on plans to dig up about 1, 000 nests, or 100, 000 eggs, from nesting grounds in the Florida Panhandle and transfer them to hatcheries for safekeeping.
A hurricane alert was in effect from south-eastern Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle, although New Orleans which was devastated by hurricane Katrina in 2005, was not included in the watch area.
Having grown up in small town USA and currently living in the panhandle region of Florida, we are the average family next door.
Oil appears to have reached beaches and barrier islands in Alabama and the western Panhandle of Florida.
Oil appears to have reached beaches and barrier islands in Alabama and the western Panhandle of Florida.