Its nine plants, now owned by Florida Power &Light, still run today.
它的九家发电厂依然在运转,现在属于Florida Power&Light。
Iberdrola, Spain's largest power company, is a world leader in wind power and the second-biggest wind operator in America after Florida power and Light.
In Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin and elsewhere, power plants have dumped other chemicals at dangerous concentrations.
The company recently received EATR's engine, which has been developed by Cyclone Power Technology of Florida.
最近公司收到了战术机器人的引擎,它是由佛罗里达州的赛克隆电力科技公司(Cyclone Power Technology)研发的。
Hurricane Wilma is crossing Florida with high winds and heavy rain that have already caused flooding and a loss of power in many areas.
Hurricane Wilma is crossing Florida with high winds and heavy rain that have already caused flooding and a loss of power in many areas.