Because after that they use a machine to make the paper and we can put that right in the centre of the flow-chart.
Why don't we start by making a flow chart from the notes our tutor gave us?
Conversely, if the speaker puts up a complicated flow chart and dives right into the detail without explaining what it’s about, the thinking task will be too challenging.
Systems integration benefits from some of the more detailed UML diagrams, such as the activity or flow chart diagram.
In the corner sits a huge piece of paper on which Rachelle, perhaps at the behest of a psychiatrist, has drawn a flow chart mapping her "life goals".
If you diagram the method shown in Listing 11 into a flow chart, you can easily count the number of edges and nodes and calculate the cyclomatic complexity, as shown in Figure 1.
如果把清单11所示的方法画成流程图(见图 1),就很容易算出边数和节点数并计算出圈复杂度。
Flow chart shows multiple required approvals.
It would have been helpful to have a one page summary, flow chart or diagram of some sort on the key tips and ideas for getting motivated.
The following flow chart shows the elements of the two worlds: business design and business realization.
When you are developing a new project, start by creating a flow chart to track the presentation of the project from start to finish.
Actions: Arrows indicate actions, leading from one event to the next on the flow chart until the project is completed.
The flow chart in Figure 1 demonstrates how TAMOS implements the security layer by intercepting the system calls at the kernel level.
Actions: Arrows indicate actions, leading from one event to the next on the flow chart until the project is completed.
One of the advantages of a business model as compared to a flow chart diagram, is that the model contains metadata, as well as a visual representation.
A flow chart representing the algorithm for getting the information from the STAB format follows in Figures 1 and 2.
The onIBMSensorEvent is the heart of the task agent and contains the implementation of the logic from the flow chart.
A flow chart is a device widely used for helping people to understand unfamiliar or complex sequences of operations.
Figure 3 shows a flow chart representing the algorithm for getting the information from dwarf.
Flow chart accuracy to conduct hazard analysis is essential, if a step is omitted, may produce important safety issue, therefore, it should be verified in processing site.
A flow chart maps the sequenceand flow of the process and often includes icons, such as pictures of a truckto represent a transportation step or smokestacks to indicate a factory.
The main data structure used in the program is given, By means of program flow chart, the program is described in detail.
This paper introduces a handwritten digit recognition system based on TMS320VC5402. The work principle is presented and the block diagram of hardware and program flow chart are given .
Emphasis is put on the structural flow-chart of the program and its main functions.
The example in Listing 5 is trivial, but you could easily let an SVG graphic respond, for example, to clicks on regions of a map or objects in a flow chart.
The relevant to the emission file of greenhouse gas, include the production flow chart, energy flow chart, and information flow chart of greenhouse gas which must cover over one year.
This paper detailedly introduces the whole design scheme of the system, the circuit on interface module and 89c51, the method of the software design and program flow chart.
Compile the process document, design and develop the fixture and equipment, working hour preparation and product flow chart.
In the software aspect, it curtly introduces flow chart of main program and the programming method of all ports of circuit.
Such a diagram is called a flow chart and the path of action is easily seen in the chart.
Such a diagram is called a flow chart and the path of action is easily seen in the chart.