Some way into its path - perhaps around the 10 m mark (or at about the position of the wall of defenders) - the ball's velocity dropped such that it entered the laminar flow regime.
Connect the first data flow operator to the second using the green check mark in the upper right corner to make a conditional connection.
If required inputs aren't provided, the flow will indicate that it is not ready to be run by displaying an exclamation mark (!) on the offending activity in the flow editor.
The red bars indicate the part of the file propagated to the rest of the flow. The green boxes symbolise mark-up provided by delimiters.
Recognizing point map mark through nerve network . The flow of point map mark recognizing is designed in detail.
A week long celebration to mark your achievements - you can expect concerts, festivals and an endless flow of Guinness.
No sink mark, flow lines or other visual imperfections to be on visible surfaces.
According to the re-analysis on the concept, research meaning and research process of flow unit, this paper studies the basic characteristics and identification mark of flow unit.
The stamping simulation technology could predict the material flow and the strain distribution, so the initial mark location and shape could be calculated.
The paper introduces a method of establishing model using mark flow graph in sequence control system. Then the control is implemented by step-by-step instruments in PLC.
The influence factors and zinc flow ripple mark defect in hot galvanizing production line are introduced.
I wander thro 'each charter'd street, Near where the charter'd Thames does flow, and mark in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe.
The operation flow of enterprise garments is very complicated. Many enterprise need manage a lot of inventory every day, together with million of pattern and structure and client mark and data.
In a polar circuit it causes the loop current to flow in a direction opposite to that for a mark impulse.
The main functions, circuitry and signal flow of JH 1 cable depth mark adapter are briefed.
The main functions, circuitry and signal flow of JH 1 cable depth mark adapter are briefed.