The characteristic of this model is only to know basic and natural boundary condition, then the stream function and flow velocity required on the boundary are obtained.
For potential flows on any stream surface, the equation of the velocity graph is set up by tensor analysis, and thus it provides an analytic method for solving some special flow problems.
Uniform flow around a mounting cylinder is simulated with the application of FLUENT software while Reynolds number is 20, 40,100. Stream function and velocity vector distributions are indicated.
The effects of curvature and torsion on secondary flow, isoline of stream function and distribution of the axial velocity of flow were discussed.
The effective shear stress not only generalizes the flow intensity but also summarizes the flow intensities of mean flow velocity, stream power and unit stream power.
Swirlmeter is a new kind of velocity flow meter which has been widely used in industry for gas and stream flow measurement.
The movement and diffusion process of pollutants in current of water are affected by water temperature, local flow velocity and direction, stream shape, and so on.
Both the flow velocity and the unit stream energy are the indexes to evaluate the degree of difficulty for the river closure.
The results of preliminary experiments show that the distribution of stream-wise particle velocity follows the log-law, and the particle velocity is lower than the corresponding clean water flow.
Also the stream function and flow velocity of the internal points, and the distribution of velocity and pressure on the spillway are got.
Also the stream function and flow velocity of the internal points, and the distribution of velocity and pressure on the spillway are got.