They got their first shot to test the vaccine about two months ago, and, after 21 days, more than 85 percent showed an immunity to this novel flu strain.
Many in the medical world recommend it for the elderly, but the spread of the flu is done by contact with people. Therefore, everyone should consider getting the flu shot.
The meditators also showed a healthier immune response to the flu shot, suggesting that the training affected the body's health as well as the mind's.
The more common flu shot will be close behind, part of the 6 million to 7 million doses of vaccine the CDC expects to ship around the country by the end of next week.
Yes, it is not a full proof option, but the flu shot can help prevent the spread of flu, by limiting the victims.
The studies will test the safety and effectiveness of vaccines developed by drug makers and help determine dosage and whether it can be given with a seasonal flu shot.
The flu vaccine is typically not recommended for patients with any signs of illness, so that symptoms are not wrongly misdiagnosed as side effects of a flu shot.
And if one got a flu shot or a cholesterol screening, chances were the other would, too.
The hunt for a universal flu vaccine, a single shot that would provide lifelong immunity, has been going on for decades, and many teams of researchers have been on the case.
The system used by Kaiser Permanente can spot potential interactions among drugs or alert nurses, say, that an elderly patient should come in for a flu shot.
My New year's resolution does not mean I won't get my annual flu shot or a colonoscopy every 10 years - or eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise.
The flu shot contains killed flu viruses. It's approved for people older than 6 months, including healthy people and people with chronic medical conditions.
While nothing beats getting your annual flu shot, what are some other ways to stay healthy this winter?
Kids in the clinical trial reported only minor side effects that are typical of the seasonal flu vaccine, such as soreness in the arm after a shot, Fauci said.
In the meantime, health officials are urging people to get the seasonal flu shot which is available now. They recommend that people be immunized for H1N1 separately.
Reaching even that level of protection required 12 times the dose of antigen delivered by a typical flu shot, and required that the treatment be given in two shots several weeks apart.
Part of the problem is this year's flu shot has been one of the least effective in a decade, and it may account for why we are seeing the flu reach epidemic levels so early this season.
After all the news that some churches, like Milan's cathedral, were suspending the use of holy water fonts as a measure against swine flu, demands for my invention shot to the stars.
After all the news that some churches, like Milan's cathedral, were suspending the use of holy water fonts as a measure against swine flu, demands for my invention shot to the stars.