The last flu pandemic declaration was in 1968.
The H1N1 flu pandemic so far hasn't been as bad as some feared.
There were between 20 and 50 million deaths in the 1918 flu pandemic.
The second wave of the swine flu pandemic is now under way in the northern hemisphere.
Because scientists know it's foolish to try to predict the direction of a flu pandemic.
Throughout last week, Obama also had to cope with fears of a global swine flu pandemic.
The timing and severity of a flu pandemic is uncertain, but experts predict a pandemic will occur.
For years the 1918 flu pandemic that claimed 20 to 40 million people worldwide was blamed on pigs.
The Russian flu pandemic of 1889-1890 is the earliest for which detailed records are available.
1889- 1890年的俄罗斯流感大爆发是最早的有史可查的传染病。
Yet theirs is the single biggest contribution made so far to the prevention of a human flu pandemic.
A national flu pandemic strategy drawn up in response to the threat of bird flu would be implemented.
The virus causes a mild flu pandemic, which mainly affects people born after H1N1 flu disappeared in 1957.
这病毒引起轻微流感流行,它主要是影响在1957年H1N 1流感消失之后出生的人。
More than 50 community organizations took part in a recent forum that focused on a possible flu pandemic.
The world is in the grip of a swine-flu pandemic, which will probably infect 40% or more of the human race.
So far, our real-world swine flu pandemic appears to be less severe than the dire scenarios used in our modeling.
We can get some idea of its magnitude from the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, which killed between 20 and 50 million people.
Look no further than last year's swine flu pandemic for an example of how a novel pathgen spread rapidly around the world.
An H2N2 virus causes the "Asian" flu pandemic, completely displacing the H1N1 viruses that have been circulating in humans since 1918.
H2N2病毒引起“亚洲”流感大流行,完全替换了自1918年以来在人间的传播h1n 1病毒。
Dr Margaret Chan is my representative for pandemic influenza and is working on ways that WHO can help countries prepare for a flu pandemic.
A 2007 WHO report, a Safer Future, estimated that a flu pandemic could affect more than 1.5 bn people, or 25% of the world's population.
2007年世卫报告《a Safer Future》估计禽流感大流行可能感染15亿人,相当于世界人口25%。
New data from the United States and the United Kingdom hint that the second wave of the swine flu pandemic may have peaked in these countries.
While SARS cost between $50 billion to $100 billion, a World Bank estimate has pinned the potential costs of a severe flu pandemic at $3 trillion.
The Spanish flu pandemic (the same virus as Swine flu) lasted from March 1918 to June 1920, spreading even to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands.
No animal's reputation is as low as the pig right now, with the World Health Organisation regularly reporting new cases in the potential swine flu pandemic.
No animal's reputation is as low as the pig right now, with the World Health Organisation regularly reporting new cases in the potential swine flu pandemic.