Fluid bed dryer bags are another example of equipment that is difficult to clean and is often dedicated to a specific product.
When comparing a vacuum dryer with a direct-heat dryer, such as a direct-heat rotary dryer or fluid bed dryer, keep some limitations in mind.
Dry the wet pellets in GFG high efficient fluid bed dryer, FG fluid bed dryer, CT-C Heat cycle oven, get rid of the water; get the pellets as we need.
Drying is one of the key steps in the refined salt production process, so the improvement of the efficiency of the fluid bed dryer is very important to the salt industry.
A new type pulsing fluid-bed dryer was developed based on the original model that had shortcoming of not ideal pulsing effect and not smooth conveying of materials.
A new type pulsing fluid-bed dryer was developed based on the original model that had shortcoming of not ideal pulsing effect and not smooth conveying of materials.