Flickering tends to be more noticeable under fluorescent lighting.
This fluorescent lighting certainly gives the food a peculiar color.
This fluorescent lighting certainly gives the food a peculiar color, doesn't it?
The same is true of some kinds of fluorescent lighting, which are also deficient in red light.
Some common nonlinear loads are fluorescent lighting, SCR motor starters and UPS systems.
Just being exposed to ultraviolet light in fluorescent lighting produces free radicals and destroys oxygen.
For these reasons, all fluorescent lighting ballasts which are not specifically labeled "no PCBs" must be suspected to contain PCBs.
Something about the cavernous warehouse roof, the grid of fluorescent lighting and the austere, sterile design brought on a sense of familiarity.
Founded more than a year to maintain stable growth performance, company's main LED phosphors, three-color fluorescent lighting and other related equipment.
In addition, the lifespan of the strobed LEDs is extended well beyond that of the compact fluorescent lighting leading to lower maintenance and replacement costs.
Fluorescent lighting ballasts-to be one of the important branches of the applications of PIC- have symbolized the harmonic combination of the Controlled IC and Power IC within a single chip.
These gases absorb and give off electromagnetic radiation in a much less complex way than other substances, a property exploited in their use in fluorescent lighting devices and discharge lamps.
The environment is kept as autism-friendly as possible, with quiet spaces for people to go to and fluorescent lighting, which can be a source of pain or irritation to autistics, kept to a minimum.
它的环境的设置尽可能地照顾到孤独症患者的需要,比如有安静的场所供他们放松休息; 比如尽可能不用日光灯照明,因为孤独症患者们不能忍受这种光线的刺激。
They look abit like fluorescent-lighting tubes.
The industry is banking on LED lighting as the way forward, and it’s virtually the only bulb technology on display: There is barely a single incandescent or sickly compact fluorescent to be seen.
Unlike compact fluorescent bulbs, LEDs can be adjusted to any level of lighting intensity.
And LEDs can already easily triple the 10,000 hours or so of lifetime for compact fluorescent light bulbs, which are in today's lighting vanguard.
Another proposal is to subsidise the cost of installing LED lighting in place of incandescent and fluorescent lamps, which would mean energy savings of 80% and 50% respectively.
The worst lighting of all indoors is fluorescent light.
The ceilings are low, the vistas are long, there are no landmarks, the lighting is an eerie blend of fluorescent tubing, electric light bulbs and neon advertising.
Lighting of liquid level meter adopts fluorescent installed on bracket, also could adopt metal halide lamp.
Railway applications - Rolling stock - D. C. supplied electronic ballasts for lighting fluorescent lamps.
Lighting Standard visibility lighting is provided by fluorescent lamps.
Lead in soldering materials in mercury free flat fluorescent lamps which e. g. are used for liquid crystal displays, design or industrial lighting.
Tank Farm adopts projecting lamp tower (with HV sodium lamp) mostly. Lighting of liquid level meter adopts fluorescent installed on bracket. Lighting adopts centralized control.
Transparent film smallpox can be matched with various lighting systems (such as neon lamp, fluorescent lamp, LED lamp) to create a dreamy, shadowless lighting effect.
This paper proposed a design of emergency lighting in which the economical fluorescent lamp is used. The electronic circuit of emergency lamp which supplies DC power is given.
Many people think the lighting is also very unique. but it is made of the ordinary fluorescent lamps.
Many people think the lighting is also very unique. but it is made of the ordinary fluorescent lamps.