Fly ash and coal gangue were used as main raw materials to roast solid insulating brick.
Fly ash has been widely applied in sintering brick, it can solve problems of environmental pollution and the social and economic profit will be attained.
Recently, many researches about the application of fly ash brick have been conducted, but none of them are about non steam pressure and bearing brick.
The influence of fly ash form on extrusion process of high content fly ash(over70%)fired brick has been studied.
Thellos paper mainly introduces the autoclaved fly ash brick superscript symptoms, causes, treatment methods and prevention measures.
Based on the tests, the article describes a new type of steam-cured brick with high-mixed fly ash from sea, which has been put into production.
The unfired and uncured mud brick made of red mud, fly ash, aggregates and so on is pressed and cured in nature.
Sodium carbonate is used as fired fly ash brick blank plasticizer for preparing fired fly ash brick with low cost, good plasticizing effect and no influence on molding of admixture.
The developed sintered brick made from gangue and fly ash as industrial wastes as well as weathered shale as main raw materials has obviously social and economic benefits.
Grit, fly ash, cinder residue, active carbon, air brick detritus were used as filtering media according to proper proportion for low concentration domestic sewage treatment.
When the whole specimen is absorbing water, the absorbing speed and weight of the fly ash aerated concrete is much larger than common sintered clay brick.
When the direction of absorbing water is upright to expanded direction, the absorbing water speed and weight of the fly ash aerated concrete is less than common sintered clay brick.
Study is made on preparation of water permeable brick using fly ash as main raw material.
The firing process for fly ash sintered brick with high additives has been systematically studied through tests of XRD, TG-DTA, SEM and physical mechanical properties for material.
通过XRD、TG -DTA、SEM及材料的物理力学性能等试验,较系统地研究了高掺量粉煤灰烧结砖煅烧过程。
A new type of brick, with a uniform height achieved by covering it with fly-ash slurry mortar, has also been developed.
The results show that the brick density is lowered, water absorption is largely increased while the compression strength is obviously lowered along with the increase of added fly ash.
The compression tests are made on 18 autoclaved fly ash perforated brick masonry samples and 15 common clay brick masonry samples taking mortar strength as main parameter.
The invention discloses a use of sodium carbonate as fired fly ash brick blank plasticizer and belongs to field of building materials.
The invention discloses a use of sodium carbonate as fired fly ash brick blank plasticizer and belongs to field of building materials.