I stopped to think, perhaps they are unwilling to lower insects fly up high taste, chasing his own more want to taste.
By putting jets up for sale at a high price that ensures nobody will buy, companies can appear frugal-even as their bosses continue to fly as usual.
Even though all teams were given up-front planning time, the value of high-bandwidth communication for adjusting the plan on the fly was striking.
They note that the same pattern might show up in all kinds of improvisations, from solving problems on the fly to riffing on a topic of high interest-such as, say, your favorite jazz musicians.
Love lifts us up where we belong. (Get down!) where eagles fly, on a mountain high.
Presently the Peacock saw an Eagle soaring high up in the blue sky and felt a desire to fly, as he had been accustomed to do.
I never pick up again until my high school teacher told me that sometimes choose to give up is in order to allow themselves to fly higher.
If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks.
Fly, fly, fly the Kite, high in the sky, up and down, fly and fly, high up in the sky.
The most effective ingredients for making up high performance concrete are super-plasticizing agent, fly ash or slag powder, silicon powder.
Great man to achieve and maintain a high, not a fly to, but their companions were asleep when a step-by-step up the arduous climb.
This paper introduces how to make up fiber cotton with high content fly ash and the technology of processing new serial building materials with high added value and more function.
The results indicated that high C3S cement had higher strength and less drying shrinkage and can largely utilize fly ash (up to 40% of fly ash may be added).
This paper introduces a patent, which can make the coal fly ash and gangue piled up as the renewable resources, and turn out the tiny-bead products with high attached value.
本文介绍了一项专利技术,可以将堆积如山的粉煤灰、煤矸石作为再生资源, 生产高附加值系列微珠产品。
This paper introduces a patent, which can make the coal fly ash and gangue piled up as the renewable resources, and turn out the tiny-bead products with high attached value.
本文介绍了一项专利技术,可以将堆积如山的粉煤灰、煤矸石作为再生资源, 生产高附加值系列微珠产品。